Off Topic Score the Leo (repost)

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Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
I wasn't the original poster of this thread idea, but I quite enjoyed it, so I'm reposting.

The idea is that you rate the leo above you on a scale of 1-10, 1 being greatly disliked and 10 being loved. Then you post your own leo photo to be ranked.

I couldn't find the last leo that was posted, so I'll just start with a new one.

I think it is really pretty, but I'm not keen on the diamante design across the chest, I'd prefer something simpler - I'll give it 8/10 though. I love the sleeves!
What about this one:

ETA: I think its funny that I like the diamantes on this leotard even though they are similar to the one previously posted and I didn't like them on that one!
8/10, love the design, not sure about the sheer sleeve though

Here is the one I posted before the thread went bye
Here is the one I posted before the thread went bye

The original one wasn't deleted, it still very much exists here:
Link Removed
Although the posts from the last week were deleted, the thread is still there! lol. Donno why a new one was posted but regardless of that...

9/10! I just really like it!


I love tie dye.
6/10. the cut looks kinda funky on the bottom, also i not really fond of the color tones.

10I thought it would be intresting what others thought of this leo. i would give it a 8.5/10. it is from 2010 worlds.
Also i think it is good that tthere is a new thread. the old one i felt was getting a little messy
6/10 I don't really know, there's just something that I don't like about those. I've felt that way since I fist saw them.

Very bright leo but way to busy for my taste! Woudl be awesome for rythmic!! 7/10.


My DD has this leo and it is by far my favorite .... but this is the one my DD loves the most!!

It looks much cuter on a littler girl than the one in the picture!!
9/10, I like the peace one it is super cute especially for a younger girl! For the other one 7/10, like the design but the gray color is a little dull.
9/10, I'm a sucker for sparkles and that one looks really elegant.
Ahh!! The highschool gymnastics team that is the biggest enemy of mine has that leo! LOL. 7/10. Only because of some resentments against that team... It's a nice leo though.

Any color of this one:
9/10, very cute, I like the pink the best!
(my dd has this in red, I bought it for her christmas gymnastics show!)
8/10 - I really like that one, though it is a tad plain and I like the purple more

7/10... maybe an 8 if I could see the fabric better. Not exciting, but definitely attractive.


I have this one stashed away in my closet to give to my DD after her last meet of the season... sectionals or states... we'll see how far she makes it! Of course she needs another leotard like she needs a hole in the head, but I couldn't resist.
10/10. Simple, and either elegant or cute, depending on who's wearing it. A level 4 at my gym has that in pink and everyone loves it!

This is my favorite leo. I actually won it in a raffle we had at my gym last year. :)
5/10- I'm not fond of the color scheme. If's the top portion was blue, then maybe, or if the print fabric didn't have that brown shade. I do like the little silver dots though. They give it a bit more flair.

Sorry the picture is small. Leo's from the GK 08 Christmas collection. I wanted it so bad, but it was too expensive. When I could afford it I couldn't find anyone selling it.
10/10 I LOVE IT!!!! Those are the colors that look best on me and it is such a pretty design.

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