WAG second opinion

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Proud Parent
Jan 31, 2012
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When seeking a second opinion on an injury, what should I bring to the appointment? Do I need to get copies of previous imaging and medical records? I am hesitant to request these materials because I don't want to trigger a malpractice claim report, but on the other hand such requests must be routine and it seems as if these materials, or at least the x-rays, would be useful.

On a related note, what questions should I be asking? The goal here is to avoid surgery if at all possible. My standard questions are:

- Why is this treatment being recommended?
- What are the potential complications of this treatment and how likely are they?
- What alternative treatments are available? What are the potential benefits and complications of the alternatives?
- What if we wait?
- What is the typical recovery like?
- Will PT be recommended? What exactly will happen in PT? How many sessions?
- Are there exercises or stretches she can do at home?
- Details of precisely what is permitted/not permitted at practice and why
- Can we have a note excusing her from PE?
Bring as much as you have. Generally, you can request that copies of previous reports/imaging be sent to the second doctor prior to the appointment but be aware it may take a few weeks. And, this is done all the time so don't worry about doing it.
I request copies of all imaging while still at appointment. It’s my right to have a copy, and I’ve actually needed those copies (sometimes years later). I don’t leave the appointment without a copy of images for my own records. My recommendation is that everyone should always request a copy on the spot. Wait the extra 10min that it takes to burn a copy. It’s much easier to request on the spot than to have to call months or years later for copies.
Any doctor recommending surgery for a sports injury should be happy to accommodate you in getting a second opinion. It is pretty routine.

Plus i always get copies of all images when they are taken. You never known when you might need them.

The second opinion doc will want to see all X-rays, MRIs and radiogiy reports, if you have them. They will also want the PT report, if you have one.
Most orthopedist have and prefer their own x-rays. What appears in an x-ray can vary from week to week. But it certainly does not hurt to ask for the ones already taken. If you've had an MRI you most certainly should bring that. Don't worry about getting a second opinion. Doctors typically recommend getting second opinions anyway. It is not uncommon at all and will not trigger any kind of malpractice lawsuit/report. Additionally, a recommendation by a doctor, whether good or bad, will not constitute malpractice at all. Lastly, all your question are reasonable questions. Ask away.
With online charts it is pretty easy to get everything you need. :) the patient has the right to all of their medical records, so don't be afraid to ask for them!

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