So if it was a female it would make you feel better?
Then I hope they don't have to drive... (Okay low blow...but you get the jist)
Yes I would, to a point, if I'm completely honest.
There seems to be about 10 or so girls that go to these meets each year. Two coaches, one male, one female. 5:1 kids/adult ratio of middle and high school kids isn't bad. 10:1 female coaches to female kids seems a little high, though I suppose it depends on the maturity of the children.
Is it possible that my daughter could be hurt by a female coach? Absolutely. But when your middle-school aged DD is already developing crushes on the male population, I think it's more likely my kid would think it's "ok" and be flattered by attention by a male coach than female.
This is heading into discussion about sexuality, so, I think I'll leave it there for now. But for the record, I have zero qualms about sexuality no matter where someone falls on the spectrum.
As to whether I'd have reservations about sending her with all female coaching, probably. I also haven't yet sent her to a sleep-away camp yet. Am I over-protective? Probably. But she's the only her I've got.
All this to say I really don't think I have anything to worry about with even our male coach. He seems like a great, positive role model for the kids. And my DD pretty much adores him, so therein comes the tiny niggling (overprotective and likely completely ridiculous) worry.
Point is, when it comes time to decide whether to send her... If I keep her home I'm paranoid and overprotective. But if I send her and in the smallest, most minuscule chance something did happen? With ANY coach or person of authority? Oh my. I'd hate myself.
This is the frustration. A few truly bad people ruin this for so many legitimately great people.
As to driving, carpool dads drive her all the time with other kids. And yes my DD will drive someday - please don't remind me. DD starting counting down the years this past bday.