- Jan 1, 2014
- 836
- 2,153
I certainly wouldn't spend $200.00 on it, since it can be done for free! When I mentioned barefoot running, I actually meant really barefoot, as in no shoes whatsoever. I understand that true barefoot running takes a while to develop proper technique with (because there is no heel striking, which is what people are used to doing after wearing shoes), and can be dangerous to do in the wrong areas due to potential hazards on the ground. However, it puts the foot in varied environments, really builds up the leg muscles in ways that would never be possible with shoes, and it toughens up the feet, all while preventing trauma based injuries like shin splints and stress fractures.Now, Aero, <puts on glasses and a stern look>, you do know that the Five Fingers people had to settle a big lawsuit based on false claims about the benefits of their shoes, right? If barefoot works for you, more power to you, but don't go out and spend $200 to do it!
I am not a runner at all, but I have two friends who barefoot run and are amazing at it. I also met a guy at a parkour jam in New York City a few years back who walked around barefoot all day, and was training some pretty intense stuff. I asked him about it and he said he had spent the last ten months completely barefoot. I was amazed and didn't completely believe him. Then I saw the bottoms of his feet. THEY WERE LIKE FREAKIN' LEATHER! Literally indestructible feet. He mentioned the only time he would wear shoes is on job interviews, and other special occasions that required it. He had no injuries in all that time, even with training and regular running. It certainly changed my view on shoes.