Should I quit?

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The best way to tell is when you are no longer enjoying it. Before quitting i would stick it out for a month and see if you really don't like it
if you reaally don't like going there anymore, i think you should maybe take a break. Last spring i quit, then a few months later i missed it so much & regret it, so i joined again. But rejoining is not really fun to go through lol because you get out of shape, lose skills ect. i think you should just stick around and see like gymgurl said, because most people quit then end up wanting to join again.
Where do you think your gymnastics should go?

for my DD the only real goal we have for her is to enjoy what she is doing. If she stays on the team, advances levels, gets scholarships or what ever is all extra gravy.
No matter what you do you should do it because you like it and have fun doing it. If you never really "get anywhere" what does that matter so long as you like what you are doing.

Has someone said something that has made you think you need to "move along"
Don't quit when you are having a bad day or going through a bad time. When you are going through a bad time it will be impossible to tell what your real feelings are about gymnastics as your feelings will be clouded at the time.

Wait until you had a good day and a good training session and ask yourself, "how would I feel without this?". Your mind will either tell you "no, I still love it" or it will tell you "I am ready to move on".
Well I like it a lot but I dont feel like will get anywhere really:p

Well where should it go? Do you only do gymnastics to get somewhere? Do you not do it to enjoy it? You don't need to get anywhere as long as it is enjoyable
As an old person (over 40!!!:eek:), I have to say that very few things in my life have gotten me where I expected them to. I had serious relationships with boys who I didn't end up marrying. I bought houses that I ended up selling. I have a BS in Music Education and a masters in Ethnomusicology, and ended up working in a field that doesn't have anything to do with music. And yet if I could go back and "undo" those things, I still wouldn't, because I enjoyed what I was doing, and because those experiences helped to make me the person I am today. If you love it, go with it. Gymnastics is teaching you things (emotional and physical strength, work ethic, perserverance, just to name a few) that will serve you well when you're an old geezer like me.;)
One of you asked if someone is making me feel this way. Not really its more of I am scared of my back tuck. I fell I get more and more scared every day. I dont think I Am going to decide untill I get this skill. Thank you for your guy's comments :) They helped
well I believe that if you still enjoy it to stay in it, but if you are not having any fun then you should be done. Make sure that you wont regret the dicision that you end up making. Don't let a small thing like not progressing as fast as usual screw up your happiness in gymnastics.
Just because you can't do one skill doesn't mean you should just give up!! If your heart isn't in it, you shouldn't do it anymore. If it is something you still love, continue doing it, even if you are having a hard time with something. You might want to consider switching gyms if you don't think your coaches are getting you where you want to be. Maybe your coach is saying something that isn't getting to you but another coach says it differently and it "clicks" in your head. Do whatever you think is best for you. I hope you get your back tuck soon and good luck with any decision you make!!:)

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