WAG Skills needed to start working on level 7

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Proud Parent
Jul 4, 2014
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DD competed level 5 this year. What skills do your gyms require before working on level 7 skills? Our girls are not in working groups yet but I am just curious.
I don't know of any requirements to have certain skills to start L7 skills. They all progress at their own rate. When a gymnast is ready to move onto the next skill, Coach lets them know.
It's all about progressions.
Oh I know that. I was just curious what are the skills in between level 5 and 7. I have no idea what skills are level 7 versus level 6.
Oh I know that. I was just curious what are the skills in between level 5 and 7. I have no idea what skills are level 7 versus level 6.
That's probably gym specific. DDs gym doesn't do L6. They do XCel if a girl isn't ready for 7. The giant is the gateway skill.
Oh wow. Our gym's largest team is level 6.They are all amazing!
It seems (from what I've learned here!) the two big differences between 6 and 7 are that most gyms want BHS on beam and Giants for 7 and 6 is for those who score out of 5 but aren't quite ready to compete those? Again, just what I'm seeing here. We're not quite there yet. Hopefully in the fall :)
Really only two skills you need to worry about, GIANT to FLYAWAY. the rest are easy.... the end....
Pretty much what coachP said. Giant>>flyaway equals L7 at our gym. We don't do L6. Most of our L5's compete BHS on beam already, they need a series for L7 but that's generally not an issue. Bars is what it hinges on (at our gym).
At my gym the BHS series on beam (connected BWO-BHS or BHS-BHS) keep girls from L7 more often than the giant. Most of our L6s compete giants to lay out flyaway.
At my gym the BHS series on beam (connected BWO-BHS or BHS-BHS) keep girls from L7 more often than the giant. Most of our L6s compete giants to lay out flyaway.
Same here! Beam seems to be the gatekeeper!!!
I second giant to flyaway, also bhs on beam and a series (bwo bwo or bwo bhs is most common), layout on floor.
Quick question about the beam connection..... I keep reading about girls missing the connection in comp. It just needs to keep moving, right? Or is there something I'm missing?
Depending on the judge, they can be very picky about the connection. The beam judge where we were this weekend was really tough. It not only had to keep moving but couldn't slow down much at all. The bwo bwo series was getting nailed because many of the girls slow down through the middle. If there was even a perception of even the minutest of pauses they took it away.
Yep the bwo bwo series is the most difficult connection to make. I've never seen one get credit. My experience is very limited. I've only seen it competed about 5 times. Bwo bhs is much more common.
Quick question about the beam connection..... I keep reading about girls missing the connection in comp. It just needs to keep moving, right? Or is there something I'm missing?
If hands drop below the gymnasts knees between first and second skill...no connection
Oh I know that. I was just curious what are the skills in between level 5 and 7. I have no idea what skills are level 7 versus level 6.

This is the question so many ask. Remember, 6 is an optional, optional level, as you don't have to do it. Many gyms don't do it at all (at our old gym most kids do 2 seasons of 5 before moving to 7).

L6 skills can include both 5 and 7 skills, or mainly 5 skills, or mainly 7 skills (though I'm not sure which score better). I've heard some say 6 easier than 5. I've heard some say the opposite. 7 is definitely tougher than both 5 and 6 :)

I've also heard many many here say 'less is more' for L6 - get in and get out of your routine as quick as you can to reduce deduction possibilities.
At our gym you are a 6 if you have all L7 skills on 3/4 events. 4/4 you are a L7 and less than 3 you repeat L5.
So vault is easy since it is a HS again.
Bars you need cast to handstand and giant or Clear hip to hand stand. (goal is to compete Giant Giant LO Flay away as a L7)
Beam is flight and a series. (HS BHS, BWO BWO or BWOBHS)
bars usually holds our girls back, but some have beam struggles too.

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