Last weekend DD was all dressed up in leotard and ready to go to her gymnastics class, which is directly after her big sister's class (part of the problem I think). And then she said "I'm not going, I want to go home." I had the brilliant idea of saying we had to tell her coach. I told her DD might take the next session off, since she is refusing to go. Coach said that there's a new T&T class for preschoolers that she might like. So on the spot, I asked YDD if she would like to try a "trampoline class" and she responded very enthusiastically YES. So I told her that she only has a few more weeks of gymnastics, and then she can do trampoline. In order for me to sign her up for trampoline, I need her to go to the rest of her gymnastics classes, ok? And she grudgingly agreed, went into the gym, and seemed to be thoroughly engaged and have a good time.
And then the next day swimming lessons, where she sat on the side of the pool (after first running away from me into the men's locker room) and refused to get in the water although she kept leaning over and scooping water with her hands- clearly not afraid. She got in the water for the last ~10 minutes of class and said to her teacher "I'm coming in the water but I'm not doing anything."
So anyway, tomorrow is another gymnastics class.. I think there are a few more left. I'm going to try very hard to be nonchalant about it, because the more she sees that I want her to go the more she will refuse.
Still on the fence about T&T. I know there's a good chance she will say "yes, sign me up!" and then refuse to go. At least it's during the day when I'm at work, so our au pair would be taking her- that increases the odds that she will not refuse.
4 year olds. Hrmph.