Our team is pretty new so the rules are changing as we are moving along. Prior to last season we didn't really have a L4, L5 or L6 team. Just what girls were left over from when the owners took over the gym about 5 yrs ago which were in the older levels. They then started focusing on re-building so last year we had a HUGE L4 team. One coach said to move all of us up to L5, but a couple were just like my DD thrown in at barely 6 and some of the 7yr olds wanted to do L4 again for maturity. We were basically the lowest scores on the team (32's-34's)not having the time to really consentrate on how well to do the skills, just getting it done and remembering the routines, LOL. I am not in a rush to push DD, I like the L4 schedule and hours just fine right now. But I wanted her to gain confidence and not feel like she did last year being rushed into it.
And breaking news........our gym is moving. We will probably not be doing as many meets as we did last year. We are only moving about 6-7 miles away, supposed to be a nicer & newer place, but a little farther "down the street" than the 1/4 mile I am used too, LOL! We are hosting a HUGE meet in Jan 09 called The Cassic For The Cure to benefit breast cancer which we are all pretty excited about, but not sure about some of the other meets. That meet we are holding in a Hotel. Maybe they will keep that Ready, Set, Go since it is so small. I worked that one last year, helped clean up the whole gym when it was over. Anyway, I am just trying to think about the L4 season right now and getting thru that again. We have a nice group of girls/parents and are pretty excited about this year now that we know what to expect.