Proud Parent
- Jul 25, 2008
- 293
- 22
- Not sure about this one. Maybe floor just because she sometimes rushes through it and doesn't take the time to finish things. It could also be bars if she doesn't stay tight.Now that summer is over and competitions are starting how goes the training?
What level is your dd competing? - L4
Are they ready to compete? - Not yet. I'm a little worried about this. Her 1st meet is right before Thanksgiving, and she doesn't know all of the floor and beam routines yet. She's got the first half of the routines down, but she doesn't really know the last half yet.
Any skills giving them trouble? - No. She's got the skills, but she needs to stay tight
What do you think will be their strongest event will be? - Definitely Vault followed by bars, if she can stay tight!
What do you think their weakest event will be?