So now that the vax is a reality who will be getting.......

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So who will be getting the vax.

  • We will, whole family as we are approved

    Votes: 96 76.8%
  • None of us will

    Votes: 13 10.4%
  • Some will (feel free to elaborate via post)

    Votes: 16 12.8%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 18037

Please do not edit my post or poll options. Its mine, thanks.

So who will be getting or has gotten the vax.

Here in this house......

I could push the issue as a health care worker. I have made the decision at the moment not to. Not from a POV of fear of the vax. People like my inlaws, aunt and teachers (kids need to back in buildings) should be a bigger priority then my 60 yr old self. Actually just got my shingles vax which makes it a contraindication for the Covid one. As soon as it is more readily available I will as will the husband. Will wait on the kid even after its approved.

My FIL got his, MIL still waiting for an appt. A couple of my SILs (all teachers) have already gotten theirs.

All my docs have gotten theirs.

Not heard of any first hand issues.
I got my second today. I won’t lie, I was up in the air, even as a front line provider, but I ultimately did it because I want life to get back to “normal.” I doubt the rest of my household will be eligible anytime soon, so I’m not sure about them.
My wife and I live with her parents, and of the four of us, I am the only one who does NOT have significant risk factors.

We'll all be getting it as soon as possible, though I believe I'll be much further back in line than the rest of the house.
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I got mine, so did Puma. Our kids are 13 and 15 and will get it when they are eligible. @Deleted member 18037 If you were wondering, the current recommendation is 2 weeks after Shingrix you can get the Covid-19 vaccine. I’m a pharmacist and I’ve done a lot of research on the covid vaccines and I can share links to some good studies if anyone wants. It is new, and I think people are smart to question and to research multiple, reliable sources to make the best choice for them and their families. :)
It is not an option for us yet here in Australia. Since we have such a small number of COVID cases and since most states have no COVID cases our government decided to wait until further testing had been done and we had seen effects from other countries before approving the Vax for use in Australia.

Apparently it has just been approved in the last 24 hours and they are awaiting the first lot of doses to arrive. Most people will not be eligible to get it at first. They are rolling it out in 5 phases. The first phase wont even start for about a month.

Phase 1 - Those in significant risk situations like aged care facilities, quarantine workers, doctors etc.

Phase 2 - Anyone over 70, and those in higher risk occupations, or rick factors that make them more at risk to COVID.

Phase 3 - those over 50, and I believe moderate risk occupations.

Phase 4 - Those ages 16-49

Phase 6 - Children under 16, they may not do this at all depends on their further research.

So I am not even eligible to get the vaccine until phase 4, when all adults 16-49 become eligible. So no doubt it will take many, many months before its even possible to get a vaccine. By that time who knows what the COVID situation will even look like, so I am going to say far to early to make a call one way or another for me.
I work in the schools and got my first vaccine a week ago. In a past poll I’d said I would wait but the invite came up and I had just a few hours to decide. I did get mild flu symptoms for 48 hours.
As a hospital volunteer I got a surprise email that I was eligible to get it right away. I’ve had my first dose and will get my second one in a few weeks. I was thrilled to be included. It’s a condition of my new job to get it as soon as it was available but with many friends in Healthcare who have all done research I did not hesitate. It was the most festive shot I’ve ever had with balloons, stations set up for pictures and a lively atmosphere. If it wasn’t for the needles it would have felt like a party.
Which Vaccine is being used in the US?
I got mine, so did Puma. Our kids are 13 and 15 and will get it when they are eligible. @Deleted member 18037 If you were wondering, the current recommendation is 2 weeks after Shingrix you can get the Covid-19 vaccine. I’m a pharmacist and I’ve done a lot of research on the covid vaccines and I can share links to some good studies if anyone wants. It is new, and I think people are smart to question and to research multiple, reliable sources to make the best choice for them and their families. :)
Thanks for the info.
Opinions on one versus the other? We will only have the Pfizer Vax.
The CDC is saying either is fine. The Moderna one is what we have been getting (when it comes that is...major distribution issues here...:() in retail pharmacies because the storage requirements are easier. The Pfizer one has to be kept ridiculously cold temps, so we’re seeing that one more in the hospitals. The Moderna doses are 28 days apart, and Pfizer 21 days. Statistically you have a little better protection in between doses with Moderna, but after one is fully vaccinated they are equal. These two are both mRNA vaccines, which is new, but actually they have been working toward mRNA vaccines for decades. It’s just now that they have had all the money and resources to actually make one. The Johnson and Johnson one and Astra Zeneca one, that are both close to getting emergency approval, are the more classic viral particle models, more similar to a classic flu shot. AZ is still two doses, but J&J is one. They will have much easier storage requirements, more similar again to flu shots. I’m hoping the distribution issues get sorted out soon, and that they can significantly increase manufacturing. We are turning away WAY more people than we are vaccinating because we don’t have the supply. It’s very frustrating.
I don’t like the new tech. Not just for Covid, for any vaccine. Novavax is preparing to enter Phase 3 of its vaccine. It’s a more traditional type of vaccine. I’m going to wait to see how it’s trials go. They are also working on a combo vaccine for flu and covid for next year.
They are also working on a combo vaccine for flu and covid for next year.
I have heard tell of this! This would be amazing! It will be interesting to see if the covid vaccine becomes a yearly one. I have heard conflicting theories on this. One friend (who is a critical care pulmonary physician) thinks maybe every other or every three years? I don’t think anyone knows yet.
I have heard tell of this! This would be amazing! It will be interesting to see if the covid vaccine becomes a yearly one. I have heard conflicting theories on this. One friend (who is a critical care pulmonary physician) thinks maybe every other or every three years? I don’t think anyone knows yet.
I haven’t researched the mutation rates of covid, but if I’m not mistaken, it’s an RNA virus so it could possibly mutate much faster than a DNA virus. I’m willing to bet that we will see an increase in these rates as more and more get immunity.
I will ... per my surgeon who will eventually reverse my colostomy. Currently, I am to avoid the hospital if at all possible. This includes dealing with minor obstructions at home instead of in the hospital (for the first year+ after surgery, I was hospitalized every 3 months or so with a minor obstruction) ... and in the last 10 months, I have dealt with 2 at home.

My brother will because his job prefers that they get it when they are eligible and he has no contra-indications for getting it.

My sister MAY get it, but per our PCP, she MUST be somewhere that monitors you for 30 minutes after the shot ... with eyes on you the whole time, and she MUST have her epi-pen with her just in case.

Pretty sure my parents are getting it: Dad (age 75), Stepmom (age 66 with health issues), Mom (age 75 with health issues), Stepdad (no clue).

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