? Please don't lump me into your frustrations with USAG. I use this site as a news source with this case (like many). I saw a post regarding liukin , who I haven't heard anything about. That doesn't mean things haven't been said , it just means I haven't heard . The speculation is and has been that Nastia was possibly spared by NASSAR because he feared Liukin would find out. So I was under the impression that he was not involved . The weighing of athletes mentioned above are a separate issue entirely . I do not nor ever will weigh kids , but it is a practice some gyms do including some colleges. So until a formal dismissal of such practices is implemented I really dont forsee
Any change or action.
Ok, but see, right there, is the problem. The weighing of athletes is NOT a separate issue. Have you listened to any of these victim impact statements this week? When you ramp up the anxiety about weight and food, of course they are ripe to run right into the arms of a sexual abuser who is grooming them by providing food when their coaches deny it! That's literally what grooming is. Providing things they need in order to garner trust.