Off Topic South East London

  • Thread starter Flipsandgrips2002
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Okay guys, so I posted a thread about this a few months ago in 2014, but I have a few questions about London schools:

Okay, so I have an almost perfect South East London accent but i'm not quite there yet. I'm moving there in a month (from Ireland) & im 13. Can i develop the accent in school by my classmates? I know a lot of people who have moved just last year and they already have an accent. I don't actually have an Irish accent and I can do a South East London accent better than an Irish one! And how can I make it better? By practising?

Also, how do I make friends? This is a stupid question to ask but i've never been the 'new girl'. Will someone just come up to me and show me around the school?

Also, do English girls wear handbags/shoulder bags to school? No backpacks? I've seen a lot of English girls (secondary school) with handbags and no backpacks.

Lastly, I know you get a PE uniform but how would you change. Normally here you change in the bathrooms but is there like a changing room and stuff..

Thanks for the answers and please no hate!
Erm, I don't think you're old enough to be here are you? @bogwoppit

If you know a lot of people who have already moved you should probably ask them these questions. Some of these will be answered by your school when you get there.
When I signed up it said you had to be 13 and I am lol
And thanks for the info!
Don't worry about the accent. If you have an Irish accent everyone will think it's adorable and give a great talking point to get to know people. Don't try to put on a SE London accent!
What is a south east london accent? Having lived in/by London for 25 years I couldn't pin point a south east london accent. In my opinion London accents range from the 'cor blimey guv'na I can't believe me mince pies' to 'pass the cucumber sandwiches' - that's what makes london so special.

Having made the move from sydney to london as a teenager my advice to you is be yourself.

When I arrived the first thing my new class mates asked me was what part of America I was from (they didn't have much experience of Aussies!). The second question was what was happening in Neighbours and Home and Away. Apart from laughing at my pronunciation of yoghurt - yo-gurt instead of yog-urt, they accepted me and my 'funny accent' without batting an eyelid.

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