Gymnasts Strength in pullovers?

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Mar 4, 2024
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Hello, I’m currently in an xcel silver non competitive class, and still struggling with getting my pullover, my coaches don’t say it’s a necessity because I don’t compete, but I would like to compete this upcoming January Ive tried drills and everything but still nothing on bars except a really good high cast, tap swings, and a level 4 dismount. If any one has any advice that could help me with a pullover please comment, (i have a home bar but I prefer to mostly do some drills on a mat), I mostly struggle with the part of getting up onto the bar/ the kickup but, can pull myself over really easily
I know some things you can try:
- Hang on the bars with your head above it. Keep holding that for at least 10 seconds.
- Do sit-ups, you need those muscles to work well for a pullover.
- My favourite: If you have a low bar, close to the ground (or a wooden stick on top of blocks), lie under it and hold onto it. Pull your feet over it to the other side, you don't have to rotate fully. Just get your feet there.

With pullover it's usually the technique that isn't correct. Make sure you focus on these things:
- Bended arms
- Looking at the bar during rotating
- Kicking towards the wall you have your back turned to.

Good luck! Let me know if it worked :)
I would also like to point out, that even for gymnasts who don’t compete a pullover if very important. A pullover if like a gate keeper skill on bars. Once it’s achieved, it opens the door to your bars development.

Firstly because the strength required for a pullover will be important for all core bar skills and secondly. Cause it allows you to get up in the bar consistently.

On your bar at home, do lots of strength
- pull ups
- pull up hang
- hanging kegs lifts
- toes to bar hang
- L hang
- tuck hang
- inverted hang

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