Parents Superstar Tour... & dd's accident

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Jul 26, 2008
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Took my girls to the Gymnastic Superstar tour last night - amazing, absolutely incredible!!! We were with a group from the gym and got to go early and ask questions and hear the gymnasts talk. Really cool.

They signed autographs afterwards (before the show), but there were too many people, so we went to eat instead.

At intermission, there was talk the gymnasts might sign more autographs, so the kids were down where they could get them. My younger dd came back for a drink. As I set her back down, the row of seats was NOT bolted down and the whole thing tipped over, catching her between them and the seats in front of us.

She was fine but badly scared. The event staff was WONDERFUL, taking us backstage to be checked by the paramedics & athlete's doctor, asking what they could get us, giving dd candy and also passes to meet the gymnasts afterwards!!

All the guys were walking past when we were back there and every one who passed stopped and said hi to dd. Blaine Wilson took the time to get down to her level and chat with her for a bit - what an awesome man!!

When we did get down to the meet & greet, both dds had their shirts signed by all the gymnasts and Nastia & Shawn were both kind enough to let me take their photos with the kids. Blaine again made a point of asking dd how his "little friend" was doing and if she was okay, and they were all just fantastic. I commented that they all looked like they were having a lot of fun and I think every one said it was nice to do this kind of thing because it IS a lot of fun. It showed, believe me!!

So while it was a bit of a rough way to go about it, it ended up being an AMAZING experience for my girls... and *I* enjoyed it too!!!

(for the record, dd is fine - scrape and a bruise on her cheek, but meeting Nastia & Shawn MORE than made up for it!!)
Aww, poor DD. I think that is so nice the way Blaine treated her-"his little friend:)" That must've made her feel like a superstar! Glad you liked it.
Blaine Wilson has been at IGC the past two years when DD was there. The first year he hung out during parent pick-up time, which I thought was nice. He was signing autographs for anyone who wanted one.

Glad you daughter was OK. I would hate to tell my daughter what happened, she'd want to go and would threw herself done the stairs for that opportunity!

Glad you had fun.
The folks that are running the tour are being incredibly inconsistent regarding getting autographs. We did the meet and greet before the show and once they stopped after about 20 minutes and shooed everyone out of the corner of the arena where they were doing it and told to go find your seat for the show. Some of the kids asked about autographs and a few of the gymnasts moved forward and then the tour and event staff moved in and said no. At intermission, alot did go down on the floor and again some of the gymnasts came over to the edge of the "floor podium", but then everyone was told to go back to their seats and no autographs.

If my gymmie had know physical injury would have gotten her backstage, no telling what she might have done:)
We too were are IGC and met Blaine Wilson. He is very generous with his time. Seems like a great role model.
Sorry for what happened to your little gymmie but I sure am glad she is ok, and WOW I am sure all that meet and greet would have made it all better. :D
What a lucky unlucky night! ha, ha. Sorry your dd got hurt, but definately turned out great - very exciting!
Blaine said his little girl had just had her 6th birthday the week before, so I think he probably REALLY understands what it's like for some of these young kids. Having someone like him make the time for the kids meant a LOT to them - and to me. I thought it was extremely nice!!!
The folks that are running the tour are being incredibly inconsistent regarding getting autographs. We did the meet and greet before the show and once they stopped after about 20 minutes and shooed everyone out of the corner of the arena where they were doing it and told to go find your seat for the show. Some of the kids asked about autographs and a few of the gymnasts moved forward and then the tour and event staff moved in and said no. At intermission, alot did go down on the floor and again some of the gymnasts came over to the edge of the "floor podium", but then everyone was told to go back to their seats and no autographs.

If my gymmie had know physical injury would have gotten her backstage, no telling what she might have done:)

When we went there were no autographs unless you had a special pass for the post-show meet and greet. My ds was devastated and ended up in tears when he found this out. I'm sure my kids would have thrown themselves down the stairs if they thought it would get them backstage!
I'm glad your dd is ok and she got to meet the stars. I agree about Blaine being really nice to the kids & parents at IGC.

We're going to the Superstars show on 10/25. We were told the pre-show "clinic" is where you just sit in your assigned seats and the stars come out to talk as a group. No autographs. No cameras allowed. What a bummer. Now I'm debating whether it is worth it to take my DD (just little monkey, big DD not going) to sit there 2 hrs early, if there's nothing special other than a talk, KWIM? It would mean pulling her out of practice to get there at 1pm when the show doesn't start till 3pm. Practice ends at 2.
Wow! What an unlucky-lucky day, your DD must be still so excited! My girls would definitely take a nosedive if it meant going behind the scenes and meeting Blaine, Nastia, and Shawn. I just wish we lived closer to one of the show cities. The closest to us was a couple hours away. :-(
glad your dd was ok (sounds like she had fun meeting the gymnasts )
my girls are going in Nov I cannot wait (I get to go too YEA tho Ia m worried about bringing the baby I have no choice tho we are going with the gym they go to Good picture day of all of them

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