What is the atmosphere in the gym regarding both cheer and gymnastics? Is the gymnastics owner also owner for the cheer side? Do a lot of gymnasts at your gym also cheer? I wonder if the response you are getting is due to the fact that the gymnastics side of the house "loses" kids to cheer eventually. We have had girls do both while they were still compulsory level but I don't think the gymnastics coaches were thrilled about it. By the time the girls got to the optional levels, the coaches wanted them to decide between the two - and I've never seen it decided in favor of gymnastics. I do not know if this is due to a difference in how tumbling is taught, if it is a concern around the time spent between the two sports (as you say - both sports require a lot of time), or what. If your daughter did crossover between two cheer teams and gymnastics - she's had a pretty busy schedule - I can see why she's tired! And as you say - she is only 7. She should have every chance to participate in both sports and see which one she likes. Good luck to you - I hope she'll be able to compete gymnastics this upcoming season!