Parents Team Communication

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Actually though now I think about it - at dds first rec comp she turned up with a 2"x4" glitter tattoo of a mermaid on her calf! It got covered with a plaster but I had no idea!
I'm pretty sure it's just our level, but we have very little communication unless we seek it out. It can be very frustrating, as for all us parent's this is our girls first year competing. Myself and another mom try to catch the coaches when they seem to "sneak" out of the gym just to ask things like "when are we competing, and what time do we need to be there?" We're not trying to get answers to complicated problems, just basic things you think they'd tell us without having to ask. Prior to the first meet, we were a few days out, and had been given no info, some of the parent's didn't know how to fix hair, if they needed to wear warm-ups, just no info!

I am with you! DD has only been on team since January, and the only meet so far has been in-house. Her first big meet is this Sunday at a huge convention center, and even after asking, all we have is a time. Not a where (within the convention center), not any other info. I have even asked. DD is going the night before to cheer on a friend in a different level, and she will scope it out then, but really she shouldn't have to.
Our gym is lacking in the communication department. It's usually last minute and we still haven't heard anything so we send our self appointed team mom to get the scoop and she tells the rest of us.
Got weekly emails with updates on everything we needed it none that week and other stuff coming up.
We have folders for each gymnast that the office staff puts information in regarding meets, banquets, pictures, general announcements, etc. We also have an email group for other information such as booster info, camps, changes in schedule, and other information relevant to the entire team. Announcements, meet info, and other items are also posted on a team bulletin board.

But as always, we have families who don't check the folders, breeze right by the bulletin board, and don't look at their emails and they are always lost and complaining about why no one tells them anything. *smacks forehead*
We have folders for each gymnast that the office staff puts information in regarding meets, banquets, pictures, general announcements, etc. We also have an email group for other information such as booster info, camps, changes in schedule, and other information relevant to the entire team. Announcements, meet info, and other items are also posted on a team bulletin board.

But as always, we have families who don't check the folders, breeze right by the bulletin board, and don't look at their emails and they are always lost and complaining about why no one tells them anything. *smacks forehead*

We have folders as well, and rotation schedules and fundraising info gets put in theses, but they only work if parents are told there are folders for them to check!
There is a level rep who is in charge of making sure everyone on the team knows where they are supposed to be and when.
The head coach/owner sends out information via email very much on a "need to know" basis. Communication could definitely be better. For instance, we have one week before spring break and the only reason I know my DD doesn't have practice is because I happened to be standing next to him the other day when one of the coaches asked him. No official communication about that yet.

As for meet information, that is given to us by the team director. He's pretty good about giving us the season's schedule and information for each meet as soon as he has it. He sends home a physical copy with the girls at the end of practice, and then also emails it to us, but the email usually comes kind of at the last minute. It's more of a reminder email.

When our Level coaches need to contact the parents, they either call or text us.
The kids have folders at the gym, we email copies of whatever is in their folder as well. we have a bulletin in the gym with any info, and a big calendar with any practice changes, gym closings, early releases, special events, etc. it's still not enough according to some.
Like some others have mentioned, each competitive gymnast at our gym has a folder for all printed communications. Meet schedules are printed and distributed to the folders by someone on staff, who also takes the time to circle or highlight the session that the gymnast is in. We don't seem to have too many issues with the parent's not understanding the difference between "open stretch", "warmup", and "competition begins". At least not at levels 4 and up. I regularly check the folder before DD gets to it, because things in her hands have a habit of getting "lost" somewhere between the folder and home.

Each team has a "team mom" (ahem! yes, that is the official title, "team MOM" ... because I guess a DAD can't do the job :) ), who is the relay between parents and coaches. Most team information from the coaches is communicated through the team mom. On meet day if we have any problems or questions we are supposed to contact the team mom. She passes along information to the coaches as needed. This is all done via e-mail, texts, and phone calls. No tweets, toots, or twits.

For our team specifically, one of the coaches is also the team director. He regularly sends out e-mail directly to parents about schedule changes, gym closings, and other team and gym matters, without going through the team moms. And I've been able to get answers from him via e-mail when necessary. Some of our other coaches seem to be significantly technology-challenged.
I'm getting a little jealous...we don't have a Team Director, no Team Mom's, no coach's phone number. We really have nothing "official", so we have come up with a text-tag-team-relay between parents to get messages to and fro if needed. For meets, they do put something on the bulletin board, but no messages, no print outs, etc. We all just stalk the meet websites for info and between the parents we try to make sure we know where we are going and when. We don't even generally know what coach will show up to be with those competing. Kind of annoying.
We also have a parent's association with elected positions. They handle communications regarding team leos/warmups, details about the meet we host, new equipment that the association may be paying for, annual meeting, hotel and travel information for meets - all done via email...and all positions are held by moms!!
We get emails sometimes. Most of the team communication stuff is through "folders". There is a file box in the gym with file folders in it and each team gymnasts last name is on one. When you drop off or pick up your gymnast (or they can check it, too) you're encouraged to check the box for any new information. We also have parent level reps that can make calls when needed to the teams.
We get a ton of information in a variety of different ways. Most of the communication comes from email. That could come from our parent rep for our group, or general club emails, or emails direct from the head coach.
Our Facebook is active - but not the best manned.
No twitter
Very rare would we get stuff in written format and I am totally good with that. Love electronic communication.
I think our gym goes a super job in communication. Way more then our previous gym
Most communication comes via email from coaches and the gym. The info is all factual info, like practice is canceled today due to the weather, meet check in time is at X, during holidays, practice schedule will be changed from regular schedule, etc.
Our gym uses Kid's Calendar. Event information (meets, practices, etc.) are posted on the calendar and an e-mail is generated that goes automatically to the parents. Parents have to click a link in the e-mail. The gym can then see who has and who has not read the e-mail.

Us parents are also pretty tight and make sure everyone knows where and when they are supposed to be someplace.
The communication is not too bad at this gym now that I think about it. We get emails with general announcements, there is a section of the website with the same info, and meet details come via flyers on the bulletin board. There are monthly parent meetings with head coach for all parents regardless of level. If a parents wants to speak to coach they must request a meeting, tho often our coach for levels 1-3 is in the lobby and very accessible and friendly. Really my only complaint is that announcements of new meet sign ups come only via a flyer in the mailbox about 3 weeks before the meet. Normally this is fine but when my daughter was out with an injury it was a problem because I would have had to actually go to the gym just for the info. It would be nice to have this info also emailed or something.
I'm getting a little jealous...we don't have a Team Director, no Team Mom's, no coach's phone number. We really have nothing "official", so we have come up with a text-tag-team-relay between parents to get messages to and fro if needed. For meets, they do put something on the bulletin board, but no messages, no print outs, etc. We all just stalk the meet websites for info and between the parents we try to make sure we know where we are going and when. We don't even generally know what coach will show up to be with those competing. Kind of annoying.
Man Seeker, do we go to the same gym? JK :) That is very much like ours :)

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