Proud Parent
- Oct 27, 2015
- 395
- 865
The OP stated that coaches were worried that the "majority" of the team may not get the 34 to move on. So there is a mix of girls within the team, some of whom are applying themselves and doing ok with the present coaching. There are teams that are more chatty than others and it can get in the way. This level is the beginning of "getting hard" and it tends to be where you see the distinction between girls wanting to be there more for socialization and those who truly want to be there for gymnastics. This is particularly true if you are in a gym where the coaches are not super strict about who gets on team.
I would want my dd's perspective on the situation first. Then I would want to view practice to see exactly what is happening. Between those two, you should get a good idea of whether the coaches are being truthful about the lack of motivation, too much chatter, etc. It only takes a couple of girls to spark it in the remaining girls, but given that the previous coach is also saying this was an issue last year and that they chose to have a full team meeting instead of bringing in individual girls, I am guessing it is more than 2 or 3.
What to do moving forward would depend on what you find when talking to your dd and viewing practice. If you find it is more of a coaching issue (not enough praise, too much standing around instead of keeping them busy, lack of understanding in how to keep them motivated), then you have a decision to make - approach the coach/owner, find another gym, etc. I would also want to know how previous teams did with the same coaches. If you don't already know, check to check previous scores. If previous teams were in the 34/35 below range, then you know where you stand - what type of gym you are at. At that point you have to take all that information and decide whether you are ok staying at that gym or moving on. That would depend on whether your dd is happy there, what are her goals for gymnastics, whether you find the atmosphere coach-toxic or more just a frustration from having too many girls who are less motivated
I completely agree with this. I have a feeling it isn't the entire team but such a large portion that they felt it was best to speak to ALL parents. I mean if they called a meeting with 9 out of 12 parents, wouldn't you wonder why you were left out (assuming your DD isn't part of the problem)? I don't like the fact that they seem to be placing the blame solely on the girls but I have to give them props to call a meeting and addressing the issue. I know there are plenty of people that would appreciate some honesty, especially when there is still time in the season to make things right again. I would be watching practice (and speaking to your DD). I know our gym will have groups of girls (usually grouped by level) that are more "chatty" and less focused than others. My DD is currently in a group with a few girls that are there more to socialize and it's frustrating her beyond belief right now. When my DD was a 9 yr old level 4, I stopped in practice (summer practice, so early in the season) and I witnessed her socializing and playing more than working on her drills. I made it clear to her that if she wants a playdate, I would be more than happy to arrange them but gymnastics is not a 4 hour playdate, multiple times a week. She had a choice but it was too expensive and too much effort on the family if she was going just to socialize.
I think it's time to look into it more with your own eyes and make a decision based on your findings.