Woo-hoo! She did her skill on bars, and the coach saw it! That was a good B-Day gift!
Let us know what DD decides! Sounds like she is pretty advnaced for L7, so if she competes at that level until she makes her L8 skill, she'll probably kick some bootie, which might be good for her confidence in the meantime (instead of trying/waiting to be a L8 & feeling behind)...but it depends on the kid and how they view things.
I think it is saying something that the coach gave her so many options. Sounds like he is realy pulling for her, that's awesome!
How many years has she done L7 already? I'm assuming one, correct?
Good luck, and glad it went well!
Let us know what DD decides! Sounds like she is pretty advnaced for L7, so if she competes at that level until she makes her L8 skill, she'll probably kick some bootie, which might be good for her confidence in the meantime (instead of trying/waiting to be a L8 & feeling behind)...but it depends on the kid and how they view things.
I think it is saying something that the coach gave her so many options. Sounds like he is realy pulling for her, that's awesome!
How many years has she done L7 already? I'm assuming one, correct?
Good luck, and glad it went well!