Thank you CB family-good news!

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Proud Parent
Mar 9, 2008
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Well, my CB family you have supported me through another season! Thank you all so much!!! I didn't post much leading up to states b/c things have been so stressful and I was trying to maintain my cool:cool:. But now that all is said & done. I'm proud to report, DD is state vault & floor champion & 3rd AA:D!!!! Believe me when I say she worked HARD for this accomplishment. I am sooooo proud of her, words cannot clearly express it!!! She didn't need to win for me to be proud of her. I'm already in awe of her for her hard work & dedication to many things, not just gymnastics. How may people can say that their child is their hero??? She pushed on through sooo much adversity this season & came out a champion x2:D!!. Thank you all for supporting me & reading & replying to my (often too long) posts!!! You all helped me get through this very stressful season.
Your very welcome and thank you too for the same support. I love the CB since I found it not too many months ago. It's so great to have access to so many with the same issues and different issues all related to gymnastics. Those who don't do Gym, have a stake in gym or have children in Gym just don't get it when it comes to Gymnastics.

Thanks to everyone here for your words of wisdom.
Congrats to DD and THANK YOU for all of your support in our first year of gymnastics. The CB has been invaluable to me with all of the info, wisdom and support. You guys have helped me and dd so much from basic info on gymnastics, skills and scoring to more complex emotional things such as bullying, the importance of team spirit, and remembering that good character and a simple smile coming from the heart is what makes a true champion.

And GJM - I hold a special place in my heart for you because of all your support, kind words and the stories that we have shared. You have really gotten me through some tough times this past year. Our dd's could really be sisters they are so similar!!! I am so happy for you and DD!!! Your DD so derserves to end this season on such a great high note!!!

Ha!!! Let me be the first to say...I knew she was gonna' do it';) That's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you both, and back atcha' for the support:)
Ha!!! Let me be the first to say...I knew she was gonna' do it';) That's amazing!!! I'm so happy for you both, and back atcha' for the support:)
Now I know you guys have saved me a ton of money, by serving as my free therapist. But TeamDad you could have saved me some gray hair, an ulcer & high BP if you would have told me a little sooner my DD was gonna do so well at states this year:fortuneteller:! LOL!!! Love you guys!!! What would I do without you???:p
THat is one of the best State win moments ever, she really has shown what she is made off.

Your great support for all the members on the board is evidence of what a great and caring Mom you are. It is also why the CB is a great place, we have such great parents here who care about more than just their experiences.
She is a champion x 5 in my eyes. She has worked so hard and overcome so much. I am so proud of her for all her perseverance and all that hard work paid off big time. Congrats to her.

And to you GJM, you are a wonderful asset to the CB. I always look forward to reading your posts and getting your advice when I have a question. You are so encouraging and helpful.

Ditto on loving this place. I love all the amazing parents I have the privilege to "know" here on the CB. Being a gym parent has it's own issues and it is great to be able to talk about it and learn from everyone here.
Thanks again you guys for all of your support & your very kind words! DD has had a roller coaster of a season, that's for sure;). I couldn't be more thrilled for her that it ended so well:D. She always amazes me! I really don't know what the future holds for her. She's headed to high school next year & is feeling the pull toward more school activities. There is just so much she wants to experience & not enough hours in a day. I want to do my best to help her find her way & what makes her happy in life. She wants to continue gymnastics, but is worried already how she will balance it all. Have I mentioned before that she's Type A & a perfectionist?:rolleyes: I'm really happy this season ended well...just in case she decides to retire next year, not that that's her plan, but I'm just sayin'. I really would be ok, if that was what she wanted to do. Thanks to other parents here sharing their stories with me. It's made me see she can have life AG(after gymnastics). She is really enjoying track right now..."a walk on star" as the track coach puts it. So now that states are over, it's onto track championships! Hey TeamDad are you getting any vibes about how they'll go for her??? I really do feel like we are a big gymnastics family. I really do care about you & your kids! I want all of your DD's to have encouragement & a feeling of accomplishment. I know how important those things have been to my DD. I've seen her overcome so much & accomplish so much, with hard work and a positive attitude. I love reading everyone's posts, I've learned so much here! I can only hope my ramblings, have been of some use, to someone out there. Thanks for even reading them!:D
GJM, you are a great example to all of us here on CB, as to what a supportive, positive gym parent is. We have all benefitted from your kind words and encouragement here.

I am so glad your dd had a great end to her season. It was well-deserved, not only because she has worked so hard and kept a great attitude, but also due to the adversity she has experienced at her gym. It is sad that one of the people who should have been supporting her the most (her coach) was her hardest adversary though all of this. But, that's gymnastics, I guess!

Your dd is amazing, and I admire her strength and tenacity. These experiences will only benefit her as she goes thru life, she knows she is one tough cookie, and can handle anything!

Congrats again! :D
All I can say is "WOW" Congrats to DD!!!!! What a great end to the season!!!
Hey TeamDad are you getting any vibes about how they'll go for her???

We're really just trying to keep her rested and healthy to give her the opportunity to perform at her best. I'm really happy with the progress she's made on beam and vault this year and hoping that it all comes together for her. Wish us luck!!
Way to go to the State Champ!!I know your dd has been having alot off problems with her coaches and for her to overcome that and end the season strong is wonderful!I have always loved reading your post and admire your advise has a veteran gym mom ,You are great help to us new team mom's .
What great news!! How fun to visit CB after too long of a break to get such WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

Your DD has worked so hard over the last year and you have been a wonderful mother to support, encourage but not push her!

Congrats to you both!

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