Parents Thank you CB!!

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Jul 19, 2011
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I have to say that over the years, I have learned a lot.

Recently, my son's gym ended their boys' program. We are now driving 45 minutes each way for gym. Because of CB, I knew I could do it. His dinners are packed. There is a microwave I can use at the gym. I prep on Sunday. I know how to make this work because so many of you have done it before. stinks :( I hate sitting at the gym for 3 hours. But headphones and bad tv on my computer definitely help.
Bless you! I have been's worth it, esp under the circumstances you are in due to the gym closing down the program. I hope it's going well for him and that he has a successful/enjoyable year.
Good luck to your son. I'd be wandering the local area and finding things I can knock off my to do list and get me some me time.
Good luck to your son. I'd be wandering the local area and finding things I can knock off my to do list and get me some me time.

Oh yeah. I have found the grocery and the Walmart. Plan to visit the library next week. but mostly I just take my laptop and work or watch football/tv. Can't afford to go out every night. Best part is, I take my glasses off to see the laptop which means I can't see very far lol. So I have no idea which boy is mine when looking out there! LOL!
This is so difficult! My son is entering his 4th year of competitive gymnastics. During that time he's competed with 3 different gyms due to closures. For the first time this year, he'll compete with the same team he was with last year. Being on the same team two years in a row is a brand new experience for us, but one I could definitely get used to! Hopefully you and your son have found gym stability with a great team situation as well!
This is so difficult! My son is entering his 4th year of competitive gymnastics. During that time he's competed with 3 different gyms due to closures. For the first time this year, he'll compete with the same team he was with last year. Being on the same team two years in a row is a brand new experience for us, but one I could definitely get used to! Hopefully you and your son have found gym stability with a great team situation as well!

It is so hard! D had been with this gym that closed for 8 years. Hopefully this one will last for the next 5!
We do the same for my son. Every time j start to feel bad about the commute or the gas I try to remind myself that this is a great problem to have.
We also came to a gym with a larger team and more coaches. He is very happy. Worth the drive. :)
Pat on the back to you! :)
So happy he is enjoying the new gym even if the logistics are tough. Go you!

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