Parents The Bog Babies got....

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Feb 26, 2007
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Baby Bog got her flyaway alone off bars tonight, she is very happy as she wants it for her meet in Dec.

Bigger Baby Bog got her pied main catch, also known as a toe shoot, needs to get some momentum in it however, but fun however.

Love when they both have a fun night.
Whoohoo! The Bogs are eating gallons of icecream tonight! What an exciting day at your house! Congrats to both of your girls!
Yay! How wonderful to hear that they've both nailed some new skills! I'll bet it's even more fun when they do it on the same night:D

I'm looking forward to watching the Bogs in their upcoming season. When is Bigger Bog's 1st competiton?
That is awesome Bog!!

Big celebration in the Bog house tonight !!! Some big skills!!!
That is awesome!! Too cool that they both get a skill the same night.
Yay! How wonderful to hear that they've both nailed some new skills! I'll bet it's even more fun when they do it on the same night:D

I'm looking forward to watching the Bogs in their upcoming season. When is Bigger Bog's 1st competiton?

I think it will be Feb 12th-14th.

Though she cannot compete the toe shoot as she is is the regional circuit. Maybe it will make her want to go back into Provincial gymnastics, who knows! I am just happy that she got the thrill of a new skill.

THanks everyone for the kind words, skills don't come as quickly when you don't train many hours. I think this is the first new skill bigger bog has got in two years! Oh those injuries.;)
I am a huge bars fan so I'm biased. I always find new bar skills more rewarding than any other skills. So, big congrats to all the Bogs.
Congrats to both of them, what big skills!!! Nice that both of them got new skills, but especially nice for Bigger Bog since she has struggled so much with injury, etc. Baby Bog is just racking up the new skills, kip, now her flyaway, cool!! Hope the ice cream was yummy!! :D
Awesome! Congrats to the Boglets!!!! It is so nice when they are on a roll and gaining new skills! Give the Boglets big high fives from me and Dani :highfive:
Awesome:) Way to go Baby Bog on your flyaway and
Big Bog on her toe shoot!!!!!!
Awesome gym night for both of you:)
Feb 12??? Ack! That's such a long wait for her, for all of you! And I thought Dec 4th was an eternity away.

It certainly gives her lots of prep time. Is she at all jealous that Bitty Bog gets to start so much sooner?

I suppose I'll have to wait for my video fix from her...any chance you can sweet talk her back into the Provincial stream?!? I want to see the toe shoot!!
Bigger Bog is very happy with regional, the 9 hours a week leaves her time for homework and to be a teenager. As our gym is so far away training is a challenge. Our Provincial girls only train 11 hours a week though and it is hard to be competitive with the 20 hour a week clubs. If she returned she would also be alone in her category, which won't happen in regional. Teenagers are a special breed.

She dosn't seem bothered that her first meet is so far away as to her it isn't. She doesn't know anyone competing now and usually our meets aren't until after xmas. She hasn't even started on her floor routine yet, last years but needs some changes. Lots of time before she needs to be ready. She hasn't tumbled, vaulted or been on tramp since July so she really needs the time. But she can be an event specialist here and may focus on beam and bars. We shall see.
What an amazing night! That flyaway is tough and well the toe! What a great night for the girls! Always nice when everyone can celebrate! Congrats!!!!!
Isn't every night an ice cream night? ;)

What a fun time! Way to go, little Bogs!
way to go bog babies...and thank you very much for sharing the bar fairy!:)
WOOOOOOT! What an awesome day for both girlies!!

Baby Bog got her flyaway alone off bars tonight, she is very happy as she wants it for her meet in Dec.

Bigger Baby Bog got her pied main catch, also known as a toe shoot, needs to get some momentum in it however, but fun however.

Love when they both have a fun night.

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