Parents The little things . . .

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Proud Parent
Mar 6, 2009
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Jess has food allergies. Today at the gym one of the girls brought in cupcakes and she couldn't have one so she got to try a skill instead . . .

she did a front tuck step out on the floor. She started doing them this week on the tramp at home but never got to try on the floor. After 3 horrid attempts she got it and was thrilled. Now she hopes they'll have cupcakes every day LOL

On another note, the old gym had a picture of her on their web page . . . I took a peek today to see if it was still there (don't really care if it is or not) but it was . . . but they photo shopped someone elses face on to her body. Not sure how I feel about that. Seems like such a silly meaningless thing to do. Kind of baffled.

I didn't tell her - don't think I want her to know. it's just really weird.

She's moved on and is happy
That's so awesome! I love the cupcake comment, too.

That is weird about the other gym using your dd's picture like that. Why can't the just use a new picture? Yeah, better that she doesn't know about it. She's moved on and is happy. So glad to hear that!

Our gym puts out brochures every season. It still baffles me why they use the old pictures. There are girls in there that are either not there any more or are shown in the pictures in a kindergym class but are now on a team. I wish they'd update that stuff, and our website is in need of some work. I'm not volunteering, though!
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OK LOVE the cupcake for new skill idea, great. That is really wierd about the pic on the website, why not just put a whole new pic?
My DD has food alleregies too. i know people dont try and exclude her on purpose but bday treats are always a bad deal. very rarley can she have them. Unless you have a child or you yourself have food allergies you just dont understand.

I love the skill idea. i did start keeping a stash of treats at the gym that had a long shelf life for DD so she could have one too. She knows where we keep them. She is now 13 and it is not a huge deal anymore it has just become part of life.

However she did go on a mission trip last week I sent her food to substitute what she could not have and she said..... Mom I hate bringing my own food. I said ok be hungry than and blew it off sent the food anyways. When she got home she was glad I sent food. Its just the drama of it all.

Best of luck on skills to your DD and the thing about the other gym while annoying is not worth the anxiety over.
My DD has food alleregies too. i know people dont try and exclude her on purpose but bday treats are always a bad deal. very rarley can she have them. Unless you have a child or you yourself have food allergies you just dont understand.

Ditto! Tess is my allergy kid and some of the moms will ask ahead of time about the snack, but most don't :(

Weird about the website and cropping Jess' face out. The gym we left 5 years ago still has both Tess and her twin brother on their website, lol.
the thing about the other gym while annoying is not worth the anxiety over.

She actually ended up seeing it last night and got a strange look on her face -then busted out laughing asking "why do I look like an alien?" As long as she doesn't care - I don't.

As for her allergy... at school and parties she always has safe food. She's had it since she was 1 so it's a part of life and wen I'm caught off guard, like at the gym, she's usually open to a deal LOL. I think she enjoys the deals more then anything.


Is your daughter sensitive to touch? Has she ever had a problem with gym equipment? We've never had a problem and now that she's getting older I don't worry, as much. ;)

Why can't the just use a new picture? Our gym puts out brochures every season. It still baffles me why they use the old pictures.

Exactly, if they want to remove her - just remove her. buy a stock photo . . . photograph someone else . . use a different picture. Why go through the trouble? LOL

I wonder the same thing about brochures . . why not update the pictures every other year? sometimes it's so obvious the photos are old
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I wonder the same thing about brochures . . why not update the pictures every other year? sometimes it's so obvious the photos are old

Sometimes its the cost of printing new ones. Other times it's just plain laziness. The daycare that my kids attended that is owned by a friend, who I know has revised her brochure several times (text) still has a photo from the year she opened with her dd and my twins. They were 3 years old. My twins are turning 9 in 2 weeks!!!
Congrats on the new skill!
The whole picture thing is just bizarre!:eek: That would upset me but it's good your daughter could find humor in it!
Sometimes its the cost of printing new ones. Other times it's just plain laziness. The daycare that my kids attended that is owned by a friend, who I know has revised her brochure several times (text) still has a photo from the year she opened with her dd and my twins. They were 3 years old. My twins are turning 9 in 2 weeks!!!

dont you think she keeps that photo in for sentimental reasons. I competely understand that. It is quite cute.
we always ask about allergies my girls would be mortified if a another classmate or friend etc could not have it (didnt want diff matter)
my oldest hates icecream and frosting so she often doesnt get any
but if I know ahead of time I do send a treat or she takes that part off if she can
Great job on her getting a new skill!! That is just weird that they photoshopped someone else's head onto her body--why couldn't they just get a new picture??
And our gym uses some old pictures too, but just updated others too. Maybe it's too much work to get new pictures??

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