Parents The Peacock is finished

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Jan 22, 2008
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I finally got DD's costume finished. I think it turned out pretty good. DD LOVES it so that is all that matters. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and help.



And thanks for letting me share this.
Oh my gosh - that is adorable - you're good - I'm totally jealous :p
You are awesome! You did an amazing job. She is beautiful!
Wow, when are you going to start retailing them? She is soooooo cute!
WOW, you are so talented! That is really cute! I love handmade costumes.
That is absolutely fabulous! Great job and she looks great, too!:proposetoast:
That is fantastic!!! I'm not going to show DD 'cause then she'd want one and I CAN NOT do that!!!! That's incredible! :)
I think I actually squealed!

How cute is that!? Sorry I am going so gaga over it but that is adorable! Well done:)
:heartbeat: I love it!!!! Absolutely adorable!!! Sooooo much nicer then anything store bought. She looks so happy in it too!!!
OMG - that is so cute. I want to show DD, but am afraid to show DD. Because she would look like she were dressed up as roadkill if I tried that !!!!!!
I am jealous! I am NOT creative at all! That costume is WONDERFUL! you are so incredibly talented! Your daughter is a lucky girl!
That is the most adorable costume I have seen in ages. Major kudus! I so wish I could sew--knit and embroider sure, sew? Not to save my life.

That is really awesome! Better then the Pottery Barn costume... you are very talented!! :D
HIGH 5!!! What a great job. Wow I am so jealous . I am not at all creative. She looks adorable.:p
I think that you did a better job than the PB picture you showed us. GREAT JOB!

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