WAG There is an official Gator in the house ... my daughter just signed her NLI

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Congratulations!!!!!! My daughter is applying to UF next year (for Fall 2021). We love the Gators!!!
Congratulations!!!!!! My daughter is applying to UF next year (for Fall 2021). We love the Gators!!!
Thank you. Good luck to your daughter - that’s so exciting. We love UF and their gymnastic program! You’ll have to let me know if/when your daughter goes down for a visit and I’ll have my daughter be on the lookout for her so she can introduce herself.
Congratulations! Can you give some insights as to why they had some some girls sign their NLI earlier and some later?
Thanks! My daughter and Gabbie Gallentine could not sign earlier with Riley MCusker and Morgan Hurd because they are both juniors in high school. They are starting a year earlier than they were originally committed for and needed to get more credit hours completed before they were eligible to sign.
It’s so amazing that she is able to maintain that high level of gymnastics while working so hard in school to graduate 1 year early!

Thanks! My daughter and Gabbie Gallentine could not sign earlier with Riley MCusker and Morgan Hurd because they are both juniors in high school. They are starting a year earlier than they were originally committed for and needed to get more credit hours completed before they were eligible to sign.
It’s so amazing that she is able to maintain that high level of gymnastics while working so hard in school to graduate 1 year early!
It is pretty amazing - I certainly could not do it!
Fantastic News Well done to her. What a brilliant reward for her years of hard work. She is a lovely gymnast and I'm sure she will shine!
Congratulations my wife and I saw her at California Grand a few weeks ago and she was outstanding. Incredible to watch. Best of luck to your family

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