WAG those with "adult" (18yr old) gymnasts receive a letter from USAG regarding safesport?

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Aug 22, 2008
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D received hers today indicating that not only coaches but all "Adult" athletes (18 or older) must take the safe sport training course. Deadline is March 23... yes, you read that right. The USAG sent this notice out 5 days before the due date - to high school seniors in the middle of their mid-terms. Happy Monday!

ETA: It does not say what will happern if the gymnast doesn't complete it by the deadline. Would they not be able to train/compete?
My boy is 17yo, so not quite there yet.
I got the letter. So frustrating! I mean she has like 3 weeks left and now she has to do this? Ugh! Also, sent on a Monday due on Friday. These gymnasts are BUSY! Mine use their weekends to catch up. We don't have a weekend and she goes straight from school to practice and not home until 9.

Again USAG is acting AFTER they should have and then because they waited so long, suddenly there is zero turn around and they expect everyone else to jump.
That is interesting, in Australia all coaches were required to to complete a child protection course in order to reregister as coaches in 2019.

But not athletes, we would have quite a few 18 and overs training in with under 18’s in most of our gyms as kids don’t tend to retire from their clubs when they finish high school. Most people don’t go away to college, like they do in the US. Most attend local universities, and continue to love at home, once they finish school so they continue to train and compete with their clubs, just as they did before.

Also most clubs have adult classes. But nothing has been mentioned about making it a requirement for gymnasts here.
D received hers today indicating that not only coaches but all "Adult" athletes (18 or older) must take the safe sport training course. Deadline is March 23... yes, you read that right. The USAG sent this notice out 5 days before the due date - to high school seniors in the middle of their mid-terms. Happy Monday!

ETA: It does not say what will happern if the gymnast doesn't complete it by the deadline. Would they not be able to train/compete?
Do they expect 18-yr-old teammates to no longer text their younger teammates? Or comment on their social media? Or ride together, etc? Because that is going too far.
Luckily, my daughter is still 17; so we didn’t get the letter. She’ll turn 18 in the summer. Is there a fee to take the course? I don’t understand why the deadline.
Do they expect 18-yr-old teammates to no longer text their younger teammates? Or comment on their social media? Or ride together, etc? Because that is going too far.
She hasn't taken the course yet so I don't know. I can give more info once she has completed it. And yes, I agree. She has been driving teammates to/from practice for a couple of years. Would be odd that she would have to stop just because she turned 18.

Luckily, my daughter is still 17; so we didn’t get the letter. She’ll turn 18 in the summer. Is there a fee to take the course? I don’t understand why the deadline.
The course is free. I do not know the specifics of the deadline but from the letter, it appears that USAG didn't initially understand that the adult athletes were required to take the course as well so now they are scrambling to get everyone trained. Maybe Safe Sport gave them the deadline?
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My guess it is mostly about informing 18 year old athlete members of USAG that they are required to report abuse/misconduct if they see it(just like professional members). Making them officially take the course is a way to track they are being informed of this and acknowledging it.
Here are the links to the professional and athlete member advisements. The athlete one does not say "must abide and be bound by USA Gymnastics Safe Sport Policy and Code of Ethical Conduct, all safe sport rules, policies" like the professional one does(this would be all the rules you all are talking about regarding travel, communication etc).

But the athlete one does say "*Members over the age 18 are required to report immediately to law enforcement. U.S. Center for SafeSport and U.S.A. Gymnastics should they suspect or become aware of sexual misconduct." I think this is the main motivation behind getting the 18 year olds to take the course.

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