Parents Time to go....but to which one????

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Proud Parent
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
The decision is finally here. DS must make a change in order to stay IN the sport. I just dont know which is the better fit for a 13 YO Boy who is very social!!! Either way I think a change would do him well.
Gym A- established, home grown athletes that score very well. Two dedicated coaches with different strengths. Not too many boys and there is a lot of attention on each kid. Close to home. Highest level is L9 however the equipment is very bad. DS tried out and said his feet kept touching the floor on HB, no regulation PH or PB. very expensive.
Gym B- Bigger program with Elite boys and many boys my son's age. Scores are all over the place, some good some bad. 2-3 coaches and they are looking for more. Excellent shiny equipment. I worry that he will not get pushed, and may get lost in the numbers and socialize too much. A bit farther....more flexible hours....cheaper.
Wildcard- They bring in new coach at current gym who is a superstar, who starts coaching immediately...

Any insights or points of view would be appreciated....
That is a tough one. Jealous that you actually have choices...sigh.

I think I would go for the safer gym. Odds are he will outgrow the equipment at Gym A quickly based on what he said. So, Gym B would be my choice. And can we come :(
My vote is Gym B. Teenage boys need a tribe. Even if he's a little lost at first, being with a real cohort could be huge for him as he's working on recovering lost skills and moving forward.
I would say Gym B. I wouldn't let the 'scores all over the place' bother you. They have Elite boys and great equipment, so this shows the coaching talent and dedication to the team are there.

My thinking goes....

In general, any time you have a bigger number of people in a group (in this case, boys on a team), you increase the variance within the group. So with more people come more chances of getting amazing talent/hard workers, and more chance of getting less talented/dedicated students, and of course, more in the middle/average. Unless a gym's philosophy is only to train the most talented few (and cut off opportunity for everyone else), bigger gyms will have a wide range of scores. So if they are getting a comparatively large sample of boys (with surely varying talents, learning styles, and work ethics) to gain skills required at the optional levels, to me, this shows dedication, patience, method flexibility, and success from the coaching staff more than getting only a few select talented boys to optionals.

My statistically-influenced 2 cents!

Good point Sasha. I think they have a good program. They definitely have some super high level guys. But really at this point, I just want my son to be happy and feel good at his matter where he places. He has felt bad for so long and hasn't even competed for two seasons..he is a bottom can it get any worse right????
It just gets worse for us parents that must juggle two gymnasts, two gyms, two different schedules.......OMG!!!!
I feel your pain skschlag.....I am really lucky that I have options. I have been such a chicken....but it is really true what Dunno said a while ago, boys are the last to leave. They will wait and wait until the lights go out......
I wouldn't get hung up on the "different gym" and different schedules. If they were in completely different sports you would be dealing with different schedules, practice sites etc.... Go for Gym B!
Go for gym B! I too have two gymnasts, two gyms, two schedules (one boy, one girl)...PM me if you want to commiserate :)
You can do the two gym thing. You can. I have a friend who has two SONS in different gyms! I so want to see your guy make it through this and out the other side. He's fought so hard to stay in.
Gym B, especially if he isn't a top scorer being in a bigger gym with a mix of talents will make him feel he fits in better. Better equipment and cheaper sounds good to me too!
I wouldn't get hung up on the "different gym" and different schedules. If they were in completely different sports you would be dealing with different schedules, practice sites etc.... Go for Gym B!

I have 3 kids at 3 different gyms!!! It is a challenge sometimes; but we are making it work. I realized that I needed each kid where they best fit - with their coaches and team mates.
Oh, and I vote for Gym B. If he is going to progress he needs the proper equipment.
Good point Sasha. I think they have a good program. They definitely have some super high level guys. But really at this point, I just want my son to be happy and feel good at his matter where he places. He has felt bad for so long and hasn't even competed for two seasons..he is a bottom can it get any worse right????
It just gets worse for us parents that must juggle two gymnasts, two gyms, two different schedules.......OMG!!!!

Luckily my two gymnasts are at least at the same gym (opposite days, tho - yippie). I guess you'll ultimately know best having visited both gyms to get a feel for the boys and coaches there as to how he would fit in and feel in the atmosphere. The poor equipment scares me away a bit, unless you really aren't expecting him to move up that high, and the distance is a major factor in your lifestyle. Nice shiny equipment and a big team of like-minded boys with a range of talents do sound like big positives, though, to help make a kid feel like he's in a place where what he is doing is important, and he is in his element (the "tribe" as @profmom called it).

I really really hope he thrives wherever you choose! :)

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