What about HOPES
Very cool M23K's - Yes it does stand for INdiana, although some confuse it with "in gym mom" as in, in the gym mom
I never would have guessed your acronym
You guys are in Region 5 still? or moved away? DeVeaus of course is still IN's main testing spot, but so many test in the whole region - I did not know they could test as many x's as they want.... Some test in IL, OH & IN.
I know we must have some TOPS testers here, or what about HOPES? We don't do TOPS at our gym either, but there has been some talk that we may
possibly get to test in July. My dd would not be spectacular, but will probably enjoy the experience. Still have no clue.
I agree that the ages of 12 & 13 are still to young to be "cut off" from these types of programs. It seems to conflict woth USAG's (and the FIG's) message no? Girls would have to start training long hours of gymnastics at a young age to be able to do the skills testing as a 9 yr old - some girls are only 8 competing as 9 yr olds - if they turn 9 in the calendar year. I am not saying that all gyms train long hours that do TOPS, but still many train longer then most can handle long term - my dd's gym included. I wish there was a happy medium, which I think would be to extend the age as a possible solution. On that note, I think USAG should limit the hours certain ages of gymnast are allowed to train in Clubs - but that is an entirely different subject
OK, I am rambling and getting off topic here - need to drink my coffee and wake-up! LOL