It is way far beyond just gym. I talked to him today he hates gym because I won't just not go to practice to do things that could be done earlier in the day with him. I am sorry I am a planner I figure if you want to go on a nature hike we could go at 10 a.m. and I could still go to afternoon practice. But he told me he is not and he basically wants me to stay home all day just incase he wants to do something which is next to never anyways. I am not willing to do that.
He has becoming increasingly controlling over every aspect of my life and now is trying to force me into taking a job where he works, probably to keep an eye on me. He also told me if I blow the interview for this job he will find out. I have another interview at a seperate place and hope that pans out. Money for gym is no issues as I work it off but other that that I am unemployed because he told me I need to make X amount of money or I should not take the job. He made me quit coaching because they didn't pay enough even though I thought $8 an hour was better than $0 an hour!
He has over taken my life. I am completely depressed and have no friends or family that can help. At this point gymnastics is all I have to keep me sane. When I think of my life without it with him no having other options I think of bad alternatives. I am sorry to ramble feel free to remove if my post if it is not okay. I am just so lost.
P.S. I did take the controlling relationship quiz that someone posted and the score was off the charts. I am so scared and alone and don't know what to do. He isn't physical so no one can help me.