WAG Traitor!

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Jun 11, 2015
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I did not really know how to start this off. My gymnastics team is WAY to big am a xcel gold gymnast along with thirteen other girls on my team, it is not the biggest team, but with only one teacher the class goes REALLY slow and I don't have very much money for privets and it would be considered odd to take non competitive classes along with team. Do you think it would be wrong to take recreational gymnastics at another gym? Would i be a traitor? plz let me know! Thanks
Every gym will feel differently about this, you could check your gyms website and policy documents and see if there is any mention of it.

However, be aware that the vast majority of gyms will not allow team gymnasts to take classes elsewhere. It is not about being a traitor, it is because your gym and coach has a carefully laid out plan for your development and recovery. Different gyms will do things in different ways and it could conflict with what your own gym is doing with you.
On this topic though, I'd flat out ask your coach if she's be okay with you taking rec classes. Gyms have different approaches. Rec classes don't focus as much on form as competitive teams do so a lot of coaches might not want their gymnasts in those classes for that reason alone.
*she'd be
Urgh, typos. Sorry about the double post. I'm a little OCD when it comes to spelling.

You might also consider looking into other gyms if you're really unhappy with the current coaching situation.
I don't know if you'd be a traitor, but it could get you kicked off the team if your gym found out you were taking classes elsewhere (some gyms really don't like that). Have your parents explained your frustrations w/ your current training situation to the coaches/owners at your gym? I would start with that and then base your next move on the type of response that they receive.

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