Parents Travel: Flights Cancelled & Rising Costs (Time To Worry?)

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I saw a thread about this over on Fierce Board (Cheerleading Forum) and am wondering what everyone thinks here?

Is anyone worried about travel meets this year due to cancelled flights?​

How about rising ticket costs?​

Here are some recent stories...

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I have a littler one, so it’s not like she is hitting the road to try to get elite qualifying scores or trying to be seen by recruiters. I do worry about older, optional girls in our region (2) who really need travel meets for sufficient competition, since driving is rarely an option due to distance. It’s also tricky because pilot shortage cancellations would affect flights and athletes randomly, as opposed to weather cancellations that would likely affect most athletes at a point of origin or destination.

I don’t know anyone who has traveled since spring and hasn’t been affected by a flight cancellation or long delay. No matter what else happens, pack leotards and grips in your backpack and carry it on.
We had a relatively robust discussion on another thread about upcoming travel costs. My viewpoint is that fretting about this stuff 6 months from when you are actually going to be traveling is probably unproductive. Travel is always crazy on the 4th and the mainstream media can never resist a good clickbait story. Ive been traveling all spring and haven't experienced any significant issues, I will be going to NY in a couple of weeks and then Canada. I haven't seen any insane fares or excessive cancelations (I am sure everyone has their own experiences). Are things going to be more expensive? Probably. Will the airline industry shut down? Doubt it, unless there is another pandemic (monkeypox anyone?). On the positive side, we are seeing some easing of gas prices, which will indirectly affect ticket prices, don't know if it will be a trend or just a momentary reprieve. Honestly, at the end of the day, what are you going to do? Like pretty much every other challenge we face we adapt and overcome.
I fly for work (as little as I possibly can). I will drive 7 hours before I’ll fly. Really don’t fly if you don’t have to.

If it’s really important plan to arrive a day early if possible and yep that increases costs.

Book as early a flight as possible in the morning as the further into the day the more likely to get canceled. I hate getting up at 3 or 4 am but I do.

When possible get a direct flight even if it means driving further to get to the airport.
Same problems here, I travelled interstate yesterday and the airports were insane. So many cancelled flights and so many delayed flights. Standing room only as so many people waited and waited for flights to arrive.

It was very stressful, as you dont really know if they will cancel and you wont be able to get home.
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I booked plane tickets for a competition in Aussie Coach’s state yesterday. It’s in September. I used airline credit from flights booked for the same competition last year (because it was cancelled due to shutdown).

It still cost an extra $250. And I am very anxious about the flights. Will they actually happen? Will our luggage arrive with us? I made sure I have travel insurance to cover the cost of the airline cancelling on us if it happens.

My daughter’s whole team booked the flight for 24 hours before they’ll have to compete. If we have to we can jump into a couple of cars and drive to get there (It is only about 900k). But I would rather not!
JessSyd it’s not likely they will lose your luggage. That is incredibly rare on flights in Australia (very common overseas but not here).

I was in your State yesterday and the airports were crazy! A tonne of delays and cancellations, but your current weather situation was a big factor.

The airport’s are much quieter here, but an average of 1 in 13 flights in Australia are being cancelled at the moment.
Forgot a couple things, consider travel insurance and refundable tickets.

Also look at the typical flight you are considering taking to see how often it goes as planned. I typically fly United, they cut a lot of flights and recently their pilots got a new contract. I made my flights this week. I didn’t have as many choices and they were asking for volunteers to reschedule on both flights

For me it’s not a biggie, it’s on my company. If it was my dime and depending on importance I’d CYA.
JessSyd it’s not likely they will lose your luggage. That is incredibly rare on flights in Australia (very common overseas but not here).

I was in your State yesterday and the airports were crazy! A tonne of delays and cancellations, but your current weather situation was a big factor.

The airport’s are much quieter here, but an average of 1 in 13 flights in Australia are being cancelled at the moment.
It has happened to two of my friends on two separate interstate flights in the last two weeks! Not lost, as such. Just not on the same flight because of delays caused by baggage handler shortages.

I’d do carry on only (if just to avoid the baggage drop line) but we need to pack comp stuff, team dinner clothes, beach gear, and clothes for doing tourist stuff in so we’ll need to check a bag.

The weather here is mad right now. Plus it was the start of our school holidays.
The baggage pick ups have been very slow.
It's not just flights - hotels have shot up too! I've been travelling monthly for the last 15 months and for the last several months $300 is the new $200 for a room (nothing fancy but I do usually stay at Hilton properties). I used to be able to plan on $350 RT for a I'm lucky to see RT airfare for under $600 and these are for redeyes.

With a pilot shortage in the workforce, covid waves, gas prices and inflation I don't see the situation changing anytime soon (unless a recession curbs people's ability to travel, which would not be good).

Assume you will be delayed. My advice would be to select travel meets that don't require a connection and select cities that are served by multiple flights a day from wherever you are travelling from (even if it means having to travel further or to a less desirable meet location). Don't go with budget airlines that may only fly to a city a few times a week. And if you are travelling to/from areas affected by winter weather, travel early in the day and know that disruptions from a winter storm may derail your entire trip more than in past years (meaning airlines will have a harder time getting back to normal from weather systems that typically would just delay flights for a short time). Most of this is common sense - especially for those of us who live in snowy areas.
It's not just flights - hotels have shot up too! I've been travelling monthly for the last 15 months and for the last several months $300 is the new $200 for a room (nothing fancy but I do usually stay at Hilton properties). I used to be able to plan on $350 RT for a I'm lucky to see RT airfare for under $600 and these are for redeyes.

With a pilot shortage in the workforce, covid waves, gas prices and inflation I don't see the situation changing anytime soon (unless a recession curbs people's ability to travel, which would not be good).

Assume you will be delayed. My advice would be to select travel meets that don't require a connection and select cities that are served by multiple flights a day from wherever you are travelling from (even if it means having to travel further or to a less desirable meet location). Don't go with budget airlines that may only fly to a city a few times a week. And if you are travelling to/from areas affected by winter weather, travel early in the day and know that disruptions from a winter storm may derail your entire trip more than in past years (meaning airlines will have a harder time getting back to normal from weather systems that typically would just delay flights for a short time). Most of this is common sense - especially for those of us who live in snowy areas.
So true about hotel prices! My daughter attends college out of state in an urban location and I have always been able to book a hotel I like that is near campus for under $200 a night, often for less than $150. Just went to book a room for move in and also for parents weekend and it was $280 a night. Yikes!
I think its something that simply has to be taken into account. I am not sure where everyone lives, but where I live flights are over double what they were a year or two ago. Contingency plans are a must, extra money for hotels and possible switch to driving if that's an option, getting creative with getting everything that is critical for you to have into a carryon, etc. Its more important than every to either book direct or book with a travel agent that you know personally that will be available during your travel times to go to bat for you. And unfortunately the old rule of "fly 24 hours early" often isn't enough right now....and AVOID Fridays and Saturdays to fly out if you can. The issues in the US are not going to stop with the systemic staffing/labor issues are not something that is a quick fix.
I told my daugther we might not attend her fly away meet next winter. I could techinically afford it but she's only competing 7 right now so there is plenty of competition in our tri state area, only her and I would be able to go (versus the whole family) and I'm just not sure it's worth the cost: flights 500/ea hotel 700/night for what is essentially just a fun thing to do. We live in on the east coast so there is plently of competition in driving distance, if we lived somewhere more isoloated it would be different.
I told my daugther we might not attend her fly away meet next winter. I could techinically afford it but she's only competing 7 right now so there is plenty of competition in our tri state area, only her and I would be able to go (versus the whole family) and I'm just not sure it's worth the cost: flights 500/ea hotel 700/night for what is essentially just a fun thing to do. We live in on the east coast so there is plently of competition in driving distance, if we lived somewhere more isoloated it would be different.
Yep, we live on the east coast as well. Far too many meets here to make getting on a plane necessary. Even regionals is pretty much drivable from nearly everywhere in the region. Scheduling a meet that requires flying in this area is a choice not a necessity
We do not fly for meets yet, but I have also noticed hotel costs rising when we have needed hotel rooms for a meet. It definitely affects what meets we feel like we can attend.
Our meet schedule just came out. One out of state, the rest are in our state of VA. The TBD later down are nationals/states/regionals.
The out of state is a 3 hour drive to MD but everyone says this meet, Christmas at the Chesapeake, is really fun and worth going. So we probably will.
Our meet schedule just came out. One out of state, the rest are in our state of VA. The TBD later down are nationals/states/regionals.
The out of state is a 3 hour drive to MD but everyone says this meet, Christmas at the Chesapeake, is really fun and worth going. So we probably will.
I’ve always wanted to go to that meet! You just need to go with the flow, if it’s doable, it’s the perk of optionals to travel. Things may change by winter, hotels tend to be cheaper in winter months.
I told my daugther we might not attend her fly away meet next winter. I could techinically afford it but she's only competing 7 right now so there is plenty of competition in our tri state area, only her and I would be able to go (versus the whole family) and I'm just not sure it's worth the cost: flights 500/ea hotel 700/night for what is essentially just a fun thing to do. We live in on the east coast so there is plently of competition in driving distance, if we lived somewhere more isoloated it would be different.
I must be really cheap because I honestly can't ever recall paying > $200-ish for a meet hotel...$700 would push us right out of the sport!

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