Parents Twistars Meet this Weekend

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Just wondering? Is anyone else's DD or DS competing this weekend at the Twistars: Flip for the Red, White and Blue meet this weekend? DD has her first level 5 meet on her birthday. She was lucky enough to get a session on the very day of her birthday! BTW she finally got her "straight" arm kips and "straight" arm front hip circle on bars. All it took was telling her to straighten them and run her through the low bar part for her to 'feel' how it works. SSH! She said I taught her that. Honest Coach D, you taught her! ;)
My dd is not in competition yet, but I just wanted to wish your dd good luck! I have seen some of her videos and she is awesome!
Just wanted to wish her good luck! Congrats on the straight armed fhc and kips - that should help greatly with her bars score. I'm sure she will do great!
Thank you! I sure do hope she has a lot of fun! I asked her if she is at all nervous and she actually said no. I hope it stays that way. She was very proud of herself when she showed me her straight armed kips and FHC. She's getting stronger for being so little.
Good luck to her! Hope she has a great birthday present and does well. It'll be nice to see how she does--feels like she's been waiting forever for this to come!
Good luck to her! Hope she has a great birthday present and does well. It'll be nice to see how she does--feels like she's been waiting forever for this to come!
Thank you so much! It sure does seem like it has been forever. She was asking on the way to gym where her team gym bag was and low and behold it was waiting for her when she walked in. She is definitely excited!
On an aside, she asked her coaches if she could bring cupcakes to share with her team and they teased her and said only if they are made with brocolli. She believed them! That tells you just how gullible she is! How long can I keep her this way? She is growing up way too fast!!:(:D
Happy Birthday! [And good luck at her meet :) !]
Just an update: She had a lot of fun on her birthday and at her first meet! She said she wasn't nervous, but I think a little bit of nerves crept up on her.
Her first event was beam, and she later told me she didn't want to get a "dedution" for going over time so she had to hurry up. Oh boy! Her score was a 7.75. The scores on beam were pretty low for her age group. First place was an 8.125. Floor was next. She has to again slow it down and point those toes, on top of squeeze her 'Tush'. But her score was a respectable, 8.85. Then came bars. Through practice time, she nailed every squat on- but missed it @ competition time. Her score was 7.45. Again, it looked like bar scores were a bit low. But she needs to fix her routine, for sure. She did however kip with straight arms on the low bar. Her teammates did note frustration in her however after the routine on bars. Last was vault, and for a little bitty, she did very well. She runs so fast! Her score was 8.35. All-Around was a 32.40. Not great, but okay! The winning AA for the 7 & 8 yo was 35.10.
She just missed qualifying for state. She has to get a 33.00 to qualify. I'm sure she will be more focused at practice on Tuesday! Her beam coach said she knows DD is a 'competitor' so it will bug DD if she doesn't 'fix' her routines!
I was very proud of my little munchkin! All the other team parents were so supportive of her, and I am so grateful to have them in our corner!! Her team was so proud of DD! The gym hosting the meet had the audience sing "Happy Birthday" to her and for the first time I saw her get 'bashful'! It was all very sweet!:):):)
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You are fast with getting the videos up! It'll probably be months before I get DD's up, if ever. My DD fell on bars on her first meet too. She looked like she did great and had so much fun. I love the leos! When's her mext meet?
Awww, sorry she had a couple of tough spots, but I watched the video and her floor looked great! I would have given her at least a 9, but that's just me!

She is so cute! Glad she had a great b-day!
I watched her video and thought she did great! She is absolutely adorable. Way to go on the vault. She really does run fast and what a huge improvement from last year. That squat on is tough. My dd missed hers this weekend at her third L7 meet so it never goes away as an issue. Congrats to her on the straight armed kip, though. I thought beam was much better than the score indicated so there must have been some tough scoring. I'm sure she will qualify to states at the next meet. Congrats to Callie!

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