WAG Twisting

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Proud Parent
Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Is there a certain direction a gymnast should twist when tumbling? For instance, if a gymnast is "left footed", should a round off back handspring layout half automatically twist in a certain direction? If so, which way?
I'm not sure for everyone, but personally I am a left footed gymnast, I so I would round off Pushing off with my left foot and then I twist left as well! When I learnt to twist I just automatically started twisting left because that's what felt right!
I think you just twist which ever way feels right for you! Which ever way feels the easiest!
Some coaches go by what feels most natural to the gymnast. Others try to pre-plan twist direction based on what skills are to follow (ex: if the plan is to step out of a 1 1/2 twist into a round off, it makes a difference which way you twist). You can also look at other skills they have such as pirouettes. Ideally, they all twist the same direction.
Thanks! Could a gymnast twist different directions for different skills? Are there deductions for twisting the "wrong way"? Just wondering.
My dd is a righty and twists left. It is just the natural feel for her. No effort by her coaches to change it.
Do you mean like a half or full twist or more or are you talking about RO versus twist? There have been some great technical threads on here in the past that have been quite clear: actual twists should be done in one direction only to avoid confusion. Some gymnasts do RO in one direction and twist the other way, but the twist is always consistently in one direction.
You don't want to twist in two directions, that will eventually create problems.
Thanks! I'm sure my dd and her coaches are on it, I was mostly just curious. She mentioned last week that she hasn't decided which direction feels better. She's fairly ambidextrious. Glad to know she isn't required to be a certain way. She can choose either direction...which she might have done already! She moves on so quickly, I have a hard time keeping up! ;-)
Thanks! Could a gymnast twist different directions for different skills? Are there deductions for twisting the "wrong way"? Just wondering.

no, there is no deduction for twisting any way, if there is a wrong way. this is a very complicated and complex question. it would be better suited for your coach. there is no simple way to explain it to you in this media. :)

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