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HATED THE BOOK WITH A PASSION!!!!!!! boring, badly written and a poor storyline
Edward = stalker
Bella = really dumb for a supposedly smart person
i am team jacob if i was a twilight fan
TAYLOR LAUTNER IS SOOOOO HOT but not as hot as zac efron in 17 again omg!
oh and i did read the first book so boring i never finished the 2nd
OMG! I love Twilight and can't wait for New Moon to come out! I am TEAM EDWARD! OH HE IS GORGEOUS!
Jacob sucks too. He kissed Bella, she said "No." So he did it again. Sexual assault = not cool.
My favorite thing about Twilight is the fact it was made into a movie that Taylor Swift was able to spoof on Saturday night live. So funny.
Oh and Taylor Swift was AMAZING on SNL.
Tomaorrow night!

Well technically friday morning... so excited. Im am going to be so tired at school the next day and then I have to go to gymanstics afterwards oh jeez dangerous! lol
New moon

So I went to the midnight showing (of course) and it was absolutely the best movie ever! (ok second Stick It is still #1) It was a lot better than twilight in my opinion and I want to go see it 587987982360283871 more times! =) Everyone should go see it!

<3 Taylor Lautner

P.S. The guy off of Stick It is in it :]
rob:corpse ~ taylor:hot!

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: team jacob!!!!:heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:
edward looks like a corpse in the movies! LOL! bu he really does!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:heartbeat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok for those of you that are Hatin on Twilight have you actually read the books?
i agree! have you? if you have read the books i think it is IMPOSSIBLE to hate them!!!! they are in my opinion AWESOME!
I HAVE READ THE FIRST BOOK! as i have said before. everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i still will shake my head in disgust

In an interview with USA Weekend, Stephen King said, "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn." He added, "She's not very good."

i think i might have to make that my signature...
In an interview with USA Weekend, Stephen King said, "The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn." He added, "She's not very good."

i think i might have to make that my signature...

Probably will want to change it to J.K. Rowling then! Are you familiar with Stephen King books? He's got themes and events described that were making people much more uncomfortable than Meyer EVER could. I read the Dark Tower series in High School just because there was controversy over it even being available to read at the library. He's an amazing author, but he's no literary white knight of virtue.

On topic: I saw New Moon, it was meh. I liked the books though. Aside from books being better 99.99999% of the time, honestly it's the hype that bugs now. I'm not too cool to like something that millions of others like, if we like the same thing: the material. Seeing a movie with 9346782462345 little girls who want to giggle for 30 minutes after Pattinson purses his overly glossed lips was seriously annoying. Better to wait for dvd imo.

For the record, so was all the facebook checking, I swear one iphone screen can light up an otherwise dark theater. I leaned forward to read one that was shining in my face like the sun, and the twi-hard got all weirded out. Get it out of my face and watch the movie or listen to what I think of every 30 second status update.:rolleyes:
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i agree! have you? if you have read the books i think it is IMPOSSIBLE to hate them!!!! they are in my opinion AWESOME!
As I said, I read all 4. The writing style is juvenile (seriously, it reads like bad fanfiction), the message is terrible, and Bella is totally uninteresting.

As an aside, please use the "edit" button, rather than posting 3 times in a row.
i agree! have you? if you have read the books i think it is IMPOSSIBLE to hate them!!!! they are in my opinion AWESOME!

I read them.

I dislike them. They're poorly written. The themes and lessons they teach make me cringe to the very core of my being. As a rights-for-everyone activist educator at heart, I am severely torn when I see the girls I work with (and work so hard to build confidence and "I can stand on my own"-ness with) reading them because reading is excellent, but oh my gosh, the things that are presented as desirable and as the pinnacle of love just leave me cold.

Dislike them. Dislike their values. And they aren't even crafted artistically enough to make the squirm value worth it.

/2 cents
Probably will want to change it to J.K. Rowling then! Are you familiar with Stephen King books? He's got themes and events described that were making people much more uncomfortable than Meyer EVER could. I read the Dark Tower series in High School just because there was controversy over it even being available to read at the library. He's an amazing author, but he's no literary white knight of virtue.

I know its J.K. but in his quote it says Jo.
yes i have read a few Stephen King books and enjoyed them. they are also not for everyone but you know at least he is a good writer...

also i love how he plays a small role in his movies!
Eh... I read it... The first one was okay, but the second one was a load of crap. And all the other ones after that.

Basically, Edward was bipolar, Bella was whiny and Mary-Sue-ish except for rare moments of lucidity, and the author used to many freaking adjectives! :eek: Plus there were a lot of random parts that didn't seem to be about much of anything, except maybe how seraphic Edward is? Which is an oxymoron.

Also I don't agree with what happened in the end; I mean seriously! Giving up your life for someone you haven't known for half as long as most people know their future husbands before they get married? What kind of lesson does that give girls? -_-
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