But in a score out meet, the whole point is to get the gymnast thru the level… meaning the coach must think she IS ready for the next level.
Most of the time, if a coach isn't doing proper score outs / petitions, most likely, the gymnast will be able to minimally do the level placed in (at least)… even if they are having the gymnast "chuck" skills (which I am not a fan of). I also think that older gymnasts (12+ preferably, but definitely 14+), especially, should be able to enter into Level 6 if they can do the minimum required routines. I also think the petition process should be easier in these cases…
A note from the coach to the State saying (s)he wants to place the gymnast in Level 6 due to her age and having at least the minimum skills for the level AND a simple video of:
1- A FHS or other acceptable vault
2- gymnast performing skills that meet the SR on Bars (not even necessarily a full routine… just horizontal cast, bar change, 360º clear circling skill and an A Dismount)
3- gymnast performing skills that meet the SR on Beam (just full turn, single acro skill from Group 5, 6, or 7, split leap or jump, A Dismount, and 1 B skill)
4- gymnast performing skills that meet SR on Floor (acro series with 3 connected flight elements, a salto or aerial, a leap series, a full turn, and 1 B skill if not included already).