I have a couple unpopular opinions....
1. I think every gymnast should be required to do more than 1 meet at levels 4 and 5 before moving on to optionals. Yes, they might have all the skills, and yes (more often) they can throw those skills, but I have seen so many gymnasts who scored out of 4 and 5 in the same weekend or within a few months of each other who then crash and burn in optionals. They end up repeating or mentally blocked or quitting or getting injured. There's a reason compulsories is designed the way it is; each level builds on the level before it, adding increased difficulty to the routines and skills themselves, building up the gymnast's strength, endurance, understanding, and muscle memory. (Like the back extension roll on floor is the same movement as the free hip on bars.)
2. I think leotards are great, but lately the trend is to have open backs with straps and cut outs and high cut hips. I don't like watching practice and seeing so much booty, its not appropriate. So my unpopular opinion is that practice leos should have guidelines the same as competition leotards. (remember, this is my opinion)
3. I think girls that have qualified Elite ( and haven't competed in a classic or championship yet) or are former elites should compete in an Open level so that it levels the playing field for everyone else. It's hard to compete against gymnasts that train(ed) 25-30 hours when you only train 16-20 hours or less. Its not quite fair.
4. my last one (for now, lol) is that young gymnasts (under the age of say, 12) should be limited in how many levels they can skip/score out of to avoid over-training, injury, burnout, and inflated egos! (in other words, the path to level 10 or elite should require a minimum number of years competing in club so that their is no pushing or rushing with excessive training hours, and so that they are also emotionally, mentally, and physically ready for the demands that will come with the high-level training and high pressure meets).
(ETA: I don't think Instagymmies should be repping or ambassadors for more than one leotard brand at a time.) Thanks for this fun thread!