Success! (long update)
While I can’t say that my dd’s meet went without a hitch, it was a huge success. That having been said, I managed to keep the chalk dust out of my eyes until the post meet hug.
As anticipated, hair was an issue. Also, there was some confusion at the meet but it wasn't my dd who was confused. Her coaches did a great job herding the girls around so they all knew what to do and where to go. My dw and I weren’t always sure when she was practicing and when it counted. We also weren’t sure which scores correlated to my dd.
Rather than recapping her career again

I’ll start a few months back LOL
For the team pictures (a few months ago), my dw spent over ½ hour working on my dd's hair but when she arrived at the gym for pictures the coach undid everything and redid it (just my dd). The night before the meet my dw carefully practiced her hair but she wasn’t happy with it so we consulted with Mrs. Puma who brainstormed with one of her gym mom friends. They gave my dw lots of very helpful advice. (Thanks

Meet Day
My dw put her new hair knowledge to use and created what looked to me like a perfect bun. We would later find out that it wasn’t…
We received several email reminders not to arrive early. They provided us the time that the doors would open and the time that the meet would start. We arrived at the “doors open” time (first session of the day). There were no parking spots left and as I ran in with my dd it looked like all the other gymmies were there (apparently you’re supposed to arrive before the doors open). Luckily it was a really small meet so there were still a few seats that were open. I have no idea if I was sitting next to grandparents from a girl on our team or relatives from a girls on one of the other teams (so no FB group LOL).
Beam was her first event. It looked like there was a practice beam and a competition beam. She ran through a few skills on the practice beam then went to the main beam. Waited for a flag, saluted then did her routine. I was relieved that she didn’t fall and she looked solid. Shortly after she was done a volunteer held up a score. Then, about 10-15 minutes later, we notice that she was going again. Again, she waited for a flag, then went up and did a longer routine. Again, she didn’t fall (phew!). The second time she looked more graceful and cleaner. Then a volunteer held up a different score. We eventually realized that all the girls did this and it was always a longer routine the second time. She was totally focused when she was up there, she didn’t seem to mind the fact that there could have been a lot of people watching her.
Next up was floor. As expected, my dd went first. While I thought she looked great, I did see a difference in how much the other girls’ movements were coordinated with the music. I had noticed the same thing when she practiced at home. She might end a few seconds early or right on time. She said that her coach told her to make a few poses if she finished early so that’s what she did.
Twice during the meet she was talking with one of her coaches and then we saw the coach working on her hair.
All the girls’ vaults looked the same to me. Some got under an 8 and some got over a 9. After my dd finished and the next girl started her vault, a score was held up. Then, as the same girl was doing her second vault, another score went up. The scores were 1.5 different so, again, we didn’t know which was for my dd.
Her last event was bars, her nemesis. You wouldn’t know if from her routine. It also looked similar to most of the other girls out there.
She had made it through all of her events without any “fails” (as her sister would call it), falls or any mishaps, however, I had noticed at some point during the meet that she looked unhappy. Before the meet, I thought that as long as she does her best, it would be a success, however, when I thought she was unhappy with her performance, feeling bad for herself and showing bad sportsmanship I was planning to talk to her.
After everyone was done, they all sat around the floor and they had a handstand competition by age category. If handstands were an event, it would be her best. She won. I thought that would put a smile on her face but nope, she still had an unhappy look plastered on her face.
Then they sat in the middle of the floor to give out all the awards. First a bunch of awards that the judges came up with (one for each event like best leap or most graceful,…). Then they went on to the event awards. We had absolutely no clue what to expect but I can tell you that she was as surprised as we were when they called her name. She ended up with three metals including fourth AA. Through the whole thing, she hardly cracked a smile.
After it was over, I walked to the edge of the floor, she ran up to me with a huge smile, told me how happy she was with herself and then gave me a hug. As I quickly recomposed myself. She told me that her bun kept falling out. When her coach was fixing it she had pulled her hair so tight that it really hurt and that she couldn’t even look down (that’s why she was unhappy).
Now that we've got that out of the way I'm looking forward to the rest of a great first season.