WAG URGENT: gymnastics essay scholarship

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Mar 15, 2010
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Today my French teacher informed me of a contest where I have a chance to win a 12,000$+ renewable scholarship to the university I want to attend! I must write a short essay (800 words approximately) about something that has impacted my life- so of course I chose gymnastics with his approval!

The catch is that he only found the contest today- and entries are due TOMORROW. Any ideas of gymnastics life lessons & examples are welcome! I have a decent start and plan but where I only have 24 hours to write it I could use all the input I can get. Thanks!
How about decribing a time in gymnastics where you had trouble - with a coach, with a particular skill, or with a teammate - and how you faced your adversity, what lessons you learned from that incident, and how you'll apply that to your future goals
Talk about dedication, determination, respect, and confidence. You've dedicated so much of your life to gymnastics and you've had to maintain determined regardless of setbacks. I've also learned a lot of respect for myself and others through gym. One of the biggest things I've learned from gymnastics is I've become more confident in myself. Without gymnastics I'd probably be a friendless wallflower. I don't know if any of these apply to you, but I hope this helped. Good luck!
I really like the previous two answers, lol.

Good luck, I would love to read what you come up with. I am a pretty good proofreader as well. :)

But can you proofread Acadian French ;) If it's any good I'll translate to English!
I like the suggestions here. Make sure your essay has a clear theme. Don't try to cram too much in there -- it's better to have a single deeper narrative than a series of less well connected anecdotes. Tell a single story that touches on the themes you want to emphasize. Make sure someone else proofreads it for you. It's easier for another person to catch errors in your writing than for you to do so.
I love the use of the long time to learn a skill like a giant (DD has been working for 9 months) ... and how that teaches for the future - investment in education/determination to not give up/ability to attain the small subgoals to meet the bigger goal and not loose sight of the even bigger picture!

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