Coaches USAG L2-L4 Music selections

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In all seriousness... What keeps you coaches sane??

How often does this official music selection or routine change?

Lastly, who selected this music for USAG, and do you happen to have a name & address of this official? :p
YOU are too funny! I wish you were at my gym.. First the bands now this LOL
Tom Koll has choreographed the floor routines for many years. There is a commitee that work together but he is the official chorographer and an excellent dancer. The routines originally were changed every 4 years. Now thats no longer the case and they are kept longer.
I know it is absolutly horrible. Come meet season I am about to go crazy listening to that music. I am a coach and wow is it horrible. You know while we were at camp some of my girls got homesick and couldn't sleep I told them to do thier routine in there head with the music. Put them to sleep right away. Thats how boring they think it is.
We did have him come to our gym when the routines came out through a mutual friend The kids had a blast with him. I believe his gym is called Premier and its in Nebraska
Thanks for the name. I quick google search produced the 'story'.

"2005-2013 J.O. Compulsory Routines"

I guess to look on the bright side... ONLY 5 more years!
(To quote my 12 YO niece: "O - M - G!" ) :D
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Level 6 is an improvement. Level 5 is a marginal improvement but until you get used to it the part in the middle is kind of questionable. I mean, really now. Who approved this? Anyway it's overall all right.

I don't understand who conceptualized the L4 selection. It fades kind of awkwardly in and out and seems to have no real style, although I remember when they first came out they all had some "theme" like nursery rhyme, rock, spanish attached. Can't remember what all is what, except L6 is a the "Spanish" one. I (thankfully) don't hear the other ones as much as 4-6 but I'm not a huge fan.

In all seriousness I realize what a monumental task setting the music and routines is, and I know it is not taken lightly. But, I still make fun of it, because that's just tradition.
I cannot say that I enjoy ANY of them, but that L5 'strip tease' music really has got to go.

What were they thinking ? :eek:
Personally, I don't mind and like the L6 music. I've heard some people call the L5 strip tease and what not but I see it as a dumbed down L6 music. Similar but more campy. L4 gets real annoying and it gets even worse down the lower levels. I think it's supposed to be more kid like, but I hated kid like when I was a kid, so...

L2 and L3 sound like circus or clown music. I dislike clowns...a lot. Perhaps hate or disturbed by them is a better expression.
Personally, I don't mind and like the L6 music. I've heard some people call the L5 strip tease and what not but I see it as a dumbed down L6 music. Similar but more campy. L4 gets real annoying and it gets even worse down the lower levels. I think it's supposed to be more kid like, but I hated kid like when I was a kid, so...

L2 and L3 sound like circus or clown music. I dislike clowns...a lot. Perhaps hate or disturbed by them is a better expression.

Level 6 is probably the best of them all. L3 is pretty bad - at least I only have to listen to that for one more meet :p. L4 is iffy.
If it makes anyone feel better, I think it's probable that they'll come out with new music next year. Last cycle, they released a new set of music after 4 years, and then gyms had the option of using the new or the old version.
I actually learned to tune the music out pretty quickly. I don't even hear the L3 or L4 music anymore when it plays, and I genuinely like the L6 music.

But I really do wonder how the L5 striptease came about. It completely boggles my mind that somewhere, at some point, a roomfull of people agreed that this was a good idea.

At any rate, my gym has switched to the prep-op system and no longer competes compulsories, so our music is 1) good and 2) changed every year.
To give you a little good news, although the routines stay the same until 2013 new music comes out next year. Your gym will now have the choice of old or new.
As a coach that music gets really old really quick. I can tell you by the end of our season last year, I was wearing my MP3 headphones when we were sitting and waiting for our turn on events, the music was killing me. If you think about it, some of the meets we were at had 100-300 comp gymnasts, that 300 times you hear a song. I also feel for the judges, especially at the state meets, where for the entire weekend you hear the same level over and over.

The first time I heard the level 5 music, I thought the same thing, who in their right mind thought that the strip tease music was a good idea. Can't wait to switch music next season.

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