WAG Vault Table Question

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About the issue of lazy coaches.

Sure, they exist in smaller numbers that some of you think, but I doubt you'll find the lazy coaches vaulting an entire team group at a single height. It's far more likely you'll find a coach who will adjust the table to compensate, not for height, not for weight, but for the sole purpose of avoiding the energy it takes to teach a kid to run at un-natural speeds toward a stationary object, punch the board in proper posture after a well executed hurdle, extend into the table will inverting their body,..... yad, yad, yada.

It ain't easy to teach a light weight shorty to vault well at what some claim an unreasonable height, but they end up better vaulters for having gone through the process of solving all these problems, and setting "the bar" a bit higher for them selves.

I also want to say that all of these problems can be solved at a lower height, and that's fine with me if the coach is committed to working their tail end off to make a kid into a good vaulter.
When we do low level vault...we vault at many different heights...I do not adjust the table though. We vault over two different tables...set at different heights...as well as one or two lower spotting blocks.

If you're looking for a high score on a FHS vault...put the table where the vault looks the best. Again...not necessarily how we train them.
I guess I just assumed that most gyms had vault tables that were pretty easy to adjust. I've never adjusted the vault, but from the lobby it looks like it is raised much like the chair in a hair salon!

The way our coach does vault is to group the kids from smallest to tallest and then adjust as the height requires. Then when it's time to go back to the beginning, the coach bends over, looks like she pulls something, and the vault drops back down. It takes no time and looks pretty effortless.

Is this not a typical set up????

Our team just got a new vault this season. Prior to that it was very difficult to move, so my dd always vaulted (through L7) on the same setting as all of her taller teammates, but they would lower it in meets. I would watch her in practice and cringe, and then go to a meet and say "Wow I didn't know she could do that!" Now they still have all the girls practice vaulting up, but do change it for practices right before meets. At L8 everyone had their prefered setting for practices and meets.
I'm surprised how many replies I got! Thanks to all who replied. ;)
Late to the party..dumb question...isn't the height of the table set/required by the level the child is competing rather than the size of the child?

Or is this more just a training situation and when they compete they have to vault and "X" height?

I just looked at the new rules for Ontario and now it's any age level 4-9 can vault at 105, 115 or 125, and if they are doing yurchenkos they can also vault at 120.

Level 1-3 are now flat back vaults like CPN. (well jump up on the vault to feet then do a handstand to flatback.
She made it over on her own tonight on 2! She's got all her skills now for new level 4!

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