Parents Venting....

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Proud Parent
So about a month ago we were told that little gymmie's group had to start wearing the team practice leo every Monday (all the preteams and compulsary teams wear them) and that we had a week to turn in the money. I turn my check in on time and have been waiting for a month for gymmie to get the leo. She has a mock meet on the 22nd and it was mandatory for them to wear them. Well today I see one of the girls (who has only been at the gym two weeks) wearing it, so I go and ask the leo lady if they were in.
She tells me they havent even ordered them yet! Evidentally they are waiting on a few parents who havent paid yet...they add kids every assessment so to me it is ridiculous to wait, just put another order in in a few months. Now they are saying we wont get them until after January.:eek:
I told her that I needed it by June for gymmie's camp, hopefully that will be long enough for them.
It's good to vent sometimes! :)

Perhaps you should remind them that if they "REQUIRE" the leo by a certain date, then they are REQUIRED to order, and have it in ON TIME.

This sounds like office politics to me. Such as the office/business manager wants to save $2.50 on shipping and get in an order of 10 leos instead of shipping 8 now, and 2 later.

Our gym has been pretty good at limiting nickle & dime expenses, so I have no complaints there. When my DS was in Tae Kwon Do years ago, the gym decided that it would be fun to wear school t-shirts to summer sessions instead of the heavy uniforms. So we bought one..$20.

A month later, they decided that it would be better to mandate a different COLOR school t-shirt for each day of the week. Such as, White on Monday, Blue on Tuesday, Red on Wednesday etc. etc. That's when I voiced my usually reserved opinion - loudly. After a few parents followed my lead, the rule was "re-evaluated" to any color, any day of the week. It was obvious that the office manager over-ordered t-shirts and wanted to get rid of them quickly. And I wasn't going to made to pay for thier mistake.
The owner of our gym put her foot down firmly at the beginning of the summer and sent a letter to all parents that due dates mean money, forms etc. are DUE that day and they will not hold things up for 1 family. She is the one that deals with the leo ordering among many other things. We ordered the new optional meet leos and she had a deadline and said if no check from the family by the order date then you would order the leo on your own and pay the full price($270).

One possible reason they could be waiting on the ordering the leos is some manufacturers do give a discount if the gym orders a certain number. Since most of these leos are custom, it is easier for them to make a large number at once instead of 2 or 3 at a time. I know GK discounted our meet leos by $45 since we ordered more than 10.

Sounds like the office staff is either a little disorganized or trying to keep everyone happy by giving them extensions on due dates.
The owner of our gym put her foot down firmly at the beginning of the summer and sent a letter to all parents that due dates mean money, forms etc. are DUE that day and they will not hold things up for 1 family. She is the one that deals with the leo ordering among many other things. We ordered the new optional meet leos and she had a deadline and said if no check from the family by the order date then you would order the leo on your own and pay the full price($270).

One possible reason they could be waiting on the ordering the leos is some manufacturers do give a discount if the gym orders a certain number. Since most of these leos are custom, it is easier for them to make a large number at once instead of 2 or 3 at a time. I know GK discounted our meet leos by $45 since we ordered more than 10.

Sounds like the office staff is either a little disorganized or trying to keep everyone happy by giving them extensions on due dates.

They get a discount if they order 8 or more at a time. They have more then 8 but everytime the leo person goes to put in the order the HC calls her and tells her to wait. I know that some of the parents are mad about the leos and have said they aren't getting one even if they are mandatory. Don't get me started on that.
That is very frustrating. I know that most of the people that do the booster club jobs are volunteers/parents, but still, if you are going to do something, do it right. And when you set deadlines, stick to them.

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