I am just the opposite, having come from TX to CA. My older daughter did gymnastics in TX years ago (early 90's) but only recreational, and now my younger daughter tumbles competitively. I know TX can be really tough, so in your opinion, how does CA compare as far as training and coaching and what is expected of athletes?
Having moved from NorCal to Texas (w/ a one-year stint in FL, lol) I can offer my opinion. My dd competed for 2 very different gyms in NorCal. One very lax & not so great, the other, a high-powered team that always did well.
The one big difference I see is this: the girls start much younger here in TX, and there are more gyms w/ elite/fast rack/Olympic options. Back in NorCal, very few gyms had elites and most were not looking toward the Olympics. But the good gyms from NorCal do very well at the Regional & Nat'ls at @ L9& L10. But you RARELY saw Optionals (L7 & up) under the age of about 12 or 13 there. Here, it seems like there are a lot of little bitty girls doing L7 & up. And here in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, I can think of 2 gyms that have current Nat'l Team Members/Olympians, and plenty of Elites. The only gym in NorCal that comes close, I think, is Byers Gym. They had a gal at the VISA champs in '07, but not on the Nat'l team or anything.
Linsul is from SoCal, I beleive, which has more of the younger, Olympic hopeful types, so I am sure she will have a different perspective.
But for folks like me, w/ 'normal', older-ish types of gymnasts, I don't really see a big difference between the states, it's more a matter of which gym you go to. Yes, some here are much more competitive, but those are the ones w/ a major focus on elite/olympics. I think there are plenty of gyms here w/ good coaching that still compete well and that don't focus on elite. I think what probably happens to a lot of poeple who come here, is that they immediately focus on the 'biggie' gyms and may find themselves put-off or turned away (these gyms are pretty full-up w/ very committed, competitive gymnasts). Whereas, if you just want to enjoy the sport at a more 'normal' pace, there are plenty of good gyms w/ good coaches to choose from.
I could be way off, but that's my humble 2 cents...