First, my opinion is to non-chalantly ask the videographer dad why he video'd your daughter. Get the point of view of the other party before pointing fingers. If you still aren't satisfied with his intentions kindly ask him to prearrange this in the future being totally honest that it is unnerving to know there is uncontrolled video of your daughter out there. It is truly a privacy issue, similar to internet privacy issues.
So... presenting another question to the panel. For those lurking the technical corner, you would know I have some questions regarding my state judge's consistency in judging vault. To summarzie last year we scored low to mid 9.0's on vault, this year the same gymnasts are scoring 8.6 - 8.9. When I'm at a meet, I am obviously focusing on my team and it's difficult to get a good "viewing sampling" of gymnasts competing from other teams and the scores being awarded. I was planning on setting up a camera to stay on vault this next home meet to get a better idea of how the rest of the gyms are actually performing the vaults. For all I know I've fabricated this opinion in my mind and need some justification.
What does everyone feel about video'ing everyone in the entire meet on one event? Similar to how high school/college football teams video other teams plays to learn their strengths/weaknesses.