Vote On Private Coach Forum

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Should the coach forum be private?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • No

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Should the coach forum be private?

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Feel free to post your opinion. Be constructive please.

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I don't know. The conflict of interest between parents and coaches from the same gym posting on the board hadn't occurred to me until after I created the general thread, but I can see that as an issue. Having moderated another board, there was a seperate adults only board that was more "off topic/general topics" but the coach and parent forums weren't mostly worked. Either way I try not to give too much info...I would need to actually know all the people involved. If I have a really sensitive problem, I take it offline with people I trust. I realize not everyone has that support system in place professionally so...I'm undecided at this point. I'd like to read some more replies.
I voted yes, not to be exclusionary though. It would be nice to have a place to post things business/employee related. If you're simply out to get work related advice from another coaches point of view, or an owners, I don't see why we shouldn't be allowed that. If a gymnast or parent pov is needed, there's a forum for that. Also, if a thread is in the coaches forum that the mods feel should be public, they can move it, simple as that.

If there's doubt as to whether it's appropriate for public consumption, then having a place for it, and knowing it can be moved if you're wrong, doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

I'm largely here to see what parents think of things. What they like and don't like is of huge importance to me. There are some aspects of the job that don't involve them, and if there's potential for misunderstanding then it shouldn't have to be public. I have no problem answering any parents question on the inner workings of a gym or coaching. Any coach with an account here is a testament to the openness of that individual and their willingness to share.
. I realize not everyone has that support system in place professionally

Quoting this for truth. I moved to a new state, and am still building this support system at a new gym from scratch. This situation is not unique to me. This forum fulfills the questions for colleagues outlet. Even when I do have this support system, having fresh perspective from a coach at another gym could shed light on a situation.
Lets see if I have this correct...the coaches are not allowed(or not supposed) to be posting to the parents forum, right? There are other forums in place that parents can post to, that the coaches do read & reply too(ie:skills & drills, general CB,Q&A) correct? Then it seems fair to me that the coaches have there own (private)forum. Or am I missing something here???
(copypasted from another thread)

Here's how I see it;

Discussions of technique, drills, the ins and outs of the code, etc, should be in the Q&A and Drills and Skills sections of the forum. I have no problem with sharing my technical knowledge with parents.

The problems arise when other coach issues come up; suppose we need advice on how to deal with a problem child (or problem parents), or dissagreements with gym owners, or something like that. These are areas where we, as coaches, can really benefit from sharing experiences and discussing what has worked and what hasn't. However, these are definitely NOT things that should be broadcast where all our students and their parents can read them.

This, in my mind, is what the private coaches forum is for.

We do not intend to shut you out and prevent you from learning the techniques and philosophies behind our coaching; I still intend to share those, and I hope all my fellow coaches do as well.
I voted no. One of the reasons I like this site is that it was open and inclusive. I enjoyed reading the opinions of everyone on here, including parents and coaches. Parents and coaches have different perspectives then us gymnasts on the same issue a lot of the time, and it was always very interesting to me to see into their mind and see how they think about different issues. Now not only can we not see into the coach's world, but we also aren't able to get into the coach's forum to see the old threads which were meant for everyone to see.

Then there is another question that begs to be answered. Why are coaches so special where they need their own private group but parents and gymnasts and judges and everyone else don't need their own too? I mean, fair is fair, right? If a parent has "sensitive" issues to discuss about a coach or other gymnast, or if a gymnast wants to talk about their coach or their parents in private, why is this site any less acceptable for those purposes then for coaches to do it?

Speaking from the gymnast's perspective, we definitely do talk about our parents and coaches to people we met on chalkbucket, but instead of posting it for the world to see online, we trade IM names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, facebook addresses, and discuss our issues off of this site. Nothing is preventing coaches from doing the same.

Closing argument: nothing that gets posted online is private. They teach us this in school, parents warn us about it all the time. If the issues that are being discussed are so "sensitive" such that they should not be posted in public, a message board is probably not the best place for them. There are coaches on this site who are not yet adults. And if a parent really wanted to get into the coach forum, i'm sure they could find a way.

I rest my case.
I voted no. One of the reasons I like this site is that it was open and inclusive. I enjoyed reading the opinions of everyone on here, including parents and coaches. Parents and coaches have different perspectives then us gymnasts on the same issue a lot of the time, and it was always very interesting to me to see into their mind and see how they think about different issues. Now not only can we not see into the coach's world, but we also aren't able to get into the coach's forum to see the old threads which were meant for everyone to see.

Then there is another question that begs to be answered. Why are coaches so special where they need their own private group but parents and gymnasts and judges and everyone else don't need their own too? I mean, fair is fair, right? If a parent has "sensitive" issues to discuss about a coach or other gymnast, or if a gymnast wants to talk about their coach or their parents in private, why is this site any less acceptable for those purposes then for coaches to do it?

Speaking from the gymnast's perspective, we definitely do talk about our parents and coaches to people we met on chalkbucket, but instead of posting it for the world to see online, we trade IM names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, facebook addresses, and discuss our issues off of this site. Nothing is preventing coaches from doing the same.

Closing argument: nothing that gets posted online is private. They teach us this in school, parents warn us about it all the time. If the issues that are being discussed are so "sensitive" such that they should not be posted in public, a message board is probably not the best place for them. There are coaches on this site who are not yet adults. And if a parent really wanted to get into the coach forum, i'm sure they could find a way.

I rest my case.

i second that whole thing. well said. especially the part about about if coaches get a special privelege, everyone should..... and that would obviously take away from the whole point of the website.
Alan Axelrod, author of the International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders, defines a secret society where:

The organization is exclusive
It claims to own special secrets
It shows a strong inclination to favor its own

I voted No
I don't think it is a "special previlage"...coaches can't(or arent' suppose to) post to parent forum or the gymnasts forum. We speak freely there about what is on our minds, without fear of being reprimanded by a coach. We have those to ourselves(as parents & gymnasts respectively). Why can't coaches have their own private forum to discuss what they want too? I think allowing the coaches a place to speak freely to each other might be very helpful to them. And better coaches will benefit the gymnasts...isn't that the goal we all strive for? We have places to ask them the questions we might have for them(skills & drills, Q&A, CB). I've always gotten helpful advice from coaches in those forums. I'm ok with it the change. Chat away coaches...just don't forget to look at the other forums too & chime in when you can offer some helpful advice! I really do appreciate the help you've given DD & I.
Just a quick piece of info. We have had the private coaches forum for two days, we have about 48 coach members in it. There is not one post there at this point, meanwhile all other questions and threads are being answered by coaches.

It really is business as usual here. The coaches are not going crazy posting about the rest of the board etc. Fear of change is a dangerous thing, we have to give it time to work. For me the thought that the private forum might attract more coaches to the board is a great thing, because as we have seen the coaches are more than happy to ansewr any questions the other groups have.

I would like to re poll in a month to see how this "experiment " has worked.
Bog, I don't think having a private coaches forum will change the way I use this board. I pretty much stay in the Parent forum and I have no problems with coaches and gymnasts reading what I write. If something personal or of a sensitive nature comes up, I'll do what I always do, suck it up, eat crow and write a check every month. The last thing I would ever do is write something on an internet forum that might be embarass anyone involved. I would expect others to follow the same decorum.

It is for this reason that I am against a private coaches forum. It it encourages those involved to write things in private that they wouldn't normally say in public than what good can it serve. It would seem that the sole purpose of this forum is so that coaches can discuss problem parents and problem gymnasts in private. If this will attract more coaches to this site then I fail to see the benefit. Coaches are already small close knit secretive group that stick together, I think we need to do more to change this and discourage dishing on parents and gymnasts. I think a private forum is a step in the wrong direction.

If this site is known in the community as being parent and gymnast friendly, I think this is a good thing and setting up the pink wall of silence is a step in the wrong direction
For those worried that the coaches will be in their private area talking about parents, gymnasts, etc, possibly in a disrespectful way.

Am I wrong to assume that the coaches area would still be moderated? Or does private mean private and anything goes? I can't imagine that the CB would allow an area for people to be disrespectful to others, etc, even if it was private. I have always found the CB to be a pretty safe place, open, yet not allowed to be rude, disrespectful, etc. I can't imagine it will change now.

So for JBS, Bog, other mods, will the Coaches forum be moderated just as a regular forum?

For those worried that the coaches will be in their private area talking about parents, gymnasts, etc, possibly in a disrespectful way.

Am I wrong to assume that the coaches area would still be moderated? Or does private mean private and anything goes? I can't imagine that the CB would allow an area for people to be disrespectful to others, etc, even if it was private. I have always found the CB to be a pretty safe place, open, yet not allowed to be rude, disrespectful, etc. I can't imagine it will change now.

So for JBS, Bog, other mods, will the Coaches forum be moderated just as a regular forum?

Thanks! will be moderated the same as all the other forums on the site. All current moderators have access to the coaches forum.
Bog, I don't think having a private coaches forum will change the way I use this board. I pretty much stay in the Parent forum and I have no problems with coaches and gymnasts reading what I write. If something personal or of a sensitive nature comes up, I'll do what I always do, suck it up, eat crow and write a check every month. The last thing I would ever do is write something on an internet forum that might be embarass anyone involved. I would expect others to follow the same decorum.

Let's talk about that decorum in a general sense, not as it applies to you. Whether it's a gymnast, parent, or coach I don't think anybody posts anything with the intent of hurting feelings. The thing is, it's impossible to know whats going to set an individual off. You post a problem thinking hey I'm on a gymnastics board asking for help, and that's what I'm going to get, and next thing you know your problem has turned into a monster that you didn't foresee. By then the damage is done. It's one thing to unintentionally make someone mad, but it has crossed lines off the forum in the past.

If there's a problem we want advice on, but aren't sure about the public validity of, why not have a place where we can lean on each other professionally? The mods are very good here, if it should be public they will move it. With that kind of failsafe I really don't see the argument against it.

Coaches are already small close knit secretive group that stick together, I think we need to do more to change this and discourage dishing on parents and gymnasts.

I'm a coach, and I don't belong in your close-knit secretive group box. I post as often as I can here. Furthermore, I'm at the gym waaaay beyond my coaching hours as I don't wave off parents and run to my car at the end of the day. I don't know where this perception came from, but it's a label I'm refusing. I'm so not closed off and secretive that I remain here even after a parent pm'd me my and my families personal info for funsies after reading that I wanted it to be private. Frankly I see plenty of coaches here posting responses, so whatever has been done to create that blanket statement for you wasn't perpetrated by coaches here. Why throw that at us?

If this site is known in the community as being parent and gymnast friendly, I think this is a good thing

If there are no coaches here what will it turn into? Sincerely I'm asking. I'd like to think that we provide answers that squash speculation, or give decent advice on how to deal with coaches/coaching situations in general. If those questions have no coaching answer, do you really want the speculation and assumption that follows? Is 'dishing' on coaches and gyms so much preferred to a forum with coaches that have 1 minor place to ask each other things professionally, and moderators to ensure thats what it's used for?
Hi Linsul,

I can understand where you're coming from. If someone did that to me I would also be upset and want to leave. I can also understand why the owner of this site is taking measures so that you will stay. Please also understand that this isolated incident and the decisions being made because of it also affect the rest of us. I will reply to the rest of your post privately when I respond to the PM that you sent me.
Hi Linsul,

I can understand where you're coming from. If someone did that to me I would also be upset and want to leave. I can also understand why the owner of this site is taking measures so that you will stay. Please also understand that this isolated incident and the decisions being made because of it also affect the rest of us. I will reply to the rest of your post privately when I respond to the PM that you sent me.

No worries, you know I'm a fan I hope from the PM. It's not that I don't see your concerns, clearly you have your reasons. I just really hope that the parents know that private isn't code for 'smacktalk other users and everyone we don't like in gymnastics.' Nobody wants the forum for that! Even if someone did Bog would swing the mighty banhammer of justice and then laugh at everyone who tried to subvert the system :p

There are no ulterior motives, the mods will be ever present, and things of value that were placed there wrongly will be moved for all to see. All this does in effect is hopefully prevent any misunderstandings or hurt feelings while still providing an outlet for advice and help.
Just a quick piece of info. We have had the private coaches forum for two days, we have about 48 coach members in it. There is not one post there at this point, meanwhile all other questions and threads are being answered by coaches.

I can read the one thread (the poll about it being private) posted there, but when I try to reply, it says I don't have permission. Or maybe I never got approved yet. Except I can read it, so...

I honestly don't think anyone will be disrespectful in it whether it's private or not. You have to understand that people know a lot of mutual people. There's no real "private" here. Bad attitudes get around. No one wants to represent themselves or the people they work for badly, it's a professional situation. Badmouthing children is unprofessional and as far as situations of negative interaction with gymnasts or parents, there are professional and unprofessional ways to explain a situation and ask for advice.
For those of you who have not chimed in yet, but have feelings one way or the other about this issue. Please do not wait. The whole concept of private forums on this site is still in discussion.

If you have already need to say anything else.
I fail to see why the coaches would need a completely private forum any more than the parents or gymnasts do. Sure coaches may want to ask how to deal with a difficult parent, or gymnast, but parents also want to talk about how to deal with difficult coaches. I think allowing others to read in the groups permits people to see how things may look from a different point of view. If the coaches' forum is to be private, then the parents and gymnasts' forums should be too.

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