Coaches Walkovers and Limbers

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and Mr. Marino, i AM in the real world. you have know idea who i am or know what jobs i have. i'm not just a trampoline coach. and you stated that like it was some sort of disease.

i said, you come from a very small country. do you know how many "garden trampolines" you have per household in Denmark?

and how is the drug, sex and alcohol thing working out for all of you there in Denmark? over here not so good. the US has more personnel working in the DARE program than you have as a total population in your country. DARE has more books and resources than you have population. you have 5.6 million people in your country. we have 315 million people. your country has the population of the entire state of Indiana. your problems pale in comparison to ours by approx 309 million times. this includes backyard and trampoline park trampolines. how many deaths have you had in Denmark due to garden trampolines or trampoline parks. oh wait...Denmark has NO trampoline parks. but you DO have Sommerland Parks. do you know how many catastrophic injuries or deaths Sommerland has had? Sommerland has about 600,000 visitors a summer. our trampoline parks collectively have that many visitors in a month.

do you have any idea the problems and issues we have here facing our families and their children every day of the week?

i'm one guy. i can't do anything about all the ills facing our families and their children. but i CAN do something about backyard trampolines and tramp park trampolines which do affect our families.

you have NO IDEA what is taking place here with both these activities. if you did, you would understand how 1 book can't make a difference here. in fact, here in the USA we have approximately 2.5 million people incarcerated in our prison population. and estimated 500,000 moving thru our jail system and courts every 3 months. that's almost 1/2 your population in Denmark.

i live in the REAL WORLD. my real world in the USA is slightly bigger than your real world in Denmark. additionally, i mean you no offense or disrespect. keep doing what you're doing. doing something is better than nothing. if your book shows up in a trampoline box here at Costco, Sams Club, Walmart, etc; i'll let you know. THEN we will find out the efficacy of your book.

that's how YOU will know "based on what". :)
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i try to keep things simple. motorcycles and helmets have everything to do with common sense and choices. just like garden trampolines and tramp park trampolines.

and Gymsanity, no Red Bull for me. and you're right, they keep buying them. but you're incorrect about education abating injuries. people HERE either don't read OR they don't understand what they are reading. of course it would help if the backyard tramp boxes came with a magnifying glass so that the user could read the warnings in the little pamphlets. :)

and Marino, you suggested up thread that my user name suggests what i know? as in i dunno?? umph...
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here my comments:

"if you are truly a coach, under NO circumstances should you be promoting backyard trampolines or tramp park trampolines. the majority of you have NO idea what is taking place. look for another article soon that i will post."
Actually I talk to the parents at the gym and tell them about the problems about the garden trampoline. I tell them I have hate/love feeling about them, but the fact is the trampoline is not going away. This was the primary motivation for writing the book, perhaps I can help guide them in learning the basic skills on the trampoline and hope when they come to class that we have less to correct. My book does NOT have somersaults of any kind in it. Half the book is just about jumping and the technique used.

"and my opinions may be my opinions, but unless you have ever broken your neck you could NEVER UNDERSTAND the impact on families. same goes with death on these Godforsaken and unsupervised devices."
I really hate these kind of comments "Oh you don't know how it is if it hasn't happened to you". This again that zone I talked about "I know more than you". EVERYBODY knows the impact it has and understand it!

"and supervised MEANS by trained personnel. that MEANS people like US. COACHES!! you diminish what we are and what we know when you suggest that a parent could just readily learn what has literally taken my entire adult life to learn. and i am STILL learning. but my 'minds eye' can not, nor will it ever, be learned overnight or from a book such that has been posited here."
Ah what!? It has taken you your entire adult life to learn to do straight jumps?.... "diminish what we are"?!??! come on really,.. so if you son plays football with the other kids on you block is he really diminishing your football coaches ability??!

"and not just my opinion. this is also the recommendations of DOCTORS. especially Emergency Room Physicians. they are the first line in all of this. the injuries and deaths they have seen from backyard trampolines and trampoline park trampolines have been daunting. it's like watching those dumb dads put their kids on their motorcycles. the dad has the helmet. but the kid doesn't. or, the dad doesn't and the kid does. or, neither of them do. i have seen those 3 scenarios. "
Yes, Doctors will say that,... what did you expect?! He playing it safe. If he says that there is no danger and so on and you go home and get injured then we have problem.. don't we?! Dad and helmet analogy has no relation to what we are talking about.

1. you're delusional (my bold and underlined). but i'm glad you don't promote or condone somersaulting in your book.

2. you THINK everyone else and yourself might know. i HAVE broken my neck! you have NO idea the impact. if you have NOT? then i know more than you on this topic.

3. it has taken my entire adult life to develop 'minds eye". just how old are you? and YOU compared gymnastics and trampolining to FOOTBALL and their coaches? are you serious?? football (although you may mean futbol as in soccer) requires a knowledgeable coach. trampolining and gymnastics require specialized knowledge and specialized coaches.

4. now you sound arrogant. you presume to know what's in the minds eye of the Doctor. it is their JOB to report. it is their JOB to discourage activities where there is an overt risk of catastrophic injury, paralysis and death. i suppose you consider them in the "know it all" club also.
@dunno ... oh you make me laugh. please tell me which club you teach at, I have got to see you in action.
now that we have completely change the subject and moved over to the trampoline. Here is a video where we use the trampoline for something other than trampolining: (I bet you don't approve of this either)
Did we have a little too much Red Bull this morning dunno? ;)
You can huff and puff and blow all you want, but as long as people keep buying those things, any and all information on their safe use is going to be a plus, not a negative.

Only if it is accurate. Implying that learning front and backdrops on your own with no proper supervision is safe is not accurate. If the book is saying, "Here is how to learn front and back drop but if you get it wrong you might break your back, although it is less likely than in somersault," then that would be accurate. If the book is saying, "here is how to learn swivelhips but be careful because if you get it wrong you might end up with a spiral fracture," that would be accurate.

As for the issues of technique, they are my opinion, but they are an informed opinion based on training, experience and a good knowledge of the mechanics involved.
'people HERE either don't read OR they don't understand what they are reading. of course it would help if the backyard tramp boxes came with a magnifying glass so that the user could read the warnings in the little pamphlets.'
Sadly, it's pretty hard to argue with that point.....

Marino, what a beautiful facility. That rivals anything I have ever worked at, and shames my facility! And the kids look like they have had great coaching!

Tumbellina, my concern is you seem to be making assumptions about the book, without ever having read it. I'm making assumptions as well, because I have not read it either. I guess the difference is that I'm willing to give Peter the benefit of the doubt and believe that he has done a good job educating his readers. I don't know a single coach that 'advocates' home trampolines, but I also don't know a single coach that would deny their existence. I would like to think we could all agree the knowledge is power, and in this case safety! ;)
As for technique, my point was there are many excellent coaches here (and I have no reason to believe you aren't one of them), and that we know there is usually no one right technique, drill, progression, etc. In other words, 'there is more than one way to skin a cat' as we say over here. That is why this board is here, to have an exchange of ideas. :)
now that we have completely change the subject and moved over to the trampoline. Here is a video where we use the trampoline for something other than trampolining: (I bet you don't approve of this either)

actually, i DO approve of this. i also notice that all 4 kids 'crow hop' on bounce before take off. this is incorrect technique for trampolinists, for tumblers working on a trampoline and for working whip back drills/technique on a trampoline. and you wrote a make me laugh also. :)
and by the way, i did some additional research today just for you!

it is estimated that there are 4 million backyard trampolines (garden trampolines) in America. that's almost as many trampolines as you have citizens.

now you can laugh some more. :) c'mon Capote, sell your book here! you'll be rich!

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