Watching the seniors - P&G

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The Ragan beads thing really annoyed me because it seemed to support the thought/image that she is a a lot younger than everyone else just because she is super tiny/looks like she is younger. Just cause you are the height of the average 8 year old, doesn't mean you are - especially in this sport! I hope Kim and them aren't trying to make that be her image - it would really disappoint me cause I really hate that stuff (girls pretending to be younger than they are for attention/cute points).

And isn't Laurie only a few months older than her?

My DD hasn't been motivated by things like beads and stickers since pre team at age 5 - that's got to be a made up story about the beads cause I can't image any gymnast over age 7/8 caring about that stuff (and 7/8 is pushing it) - and certainly not an elite.

A 15 year old is w/in months of being able to drive a car on the highway - beads for stuck landings? Seriously?
I found it odd how effusive the announcers were about Gabby's floor. We are admittedly not really fans, but seriously..her floor seemed off to me. Not the tumbling, just the rhythm and dance. Really wasn't feeling it at all.
Even more than Gabby's attitude, which let's face it, has become less "resting b***h face" and more completely disinterested face, I was taken aback by her answer to Tim that she didn't feel mentally ready yet. I'm sorry, but are you kidding me here? You're one of the veterans, you've been through this. Mentally, you should have been ready to go well before anyone else. Physically I could see it taking you a while to get back which is understandable after the break she took, but the mental comment was odd to me.

Laurie put up at 60+ with a floor that I believe would score better internationally as performed. Her form is stunning as is her performance ability. Head up, big eyes, interacting with a crowd. It's an intangible that can't be taught. If she can repeat tonight's performance tomorrow and again at trials, I can't see how you don't give her an AA shot in Rio.

Are any athletes from other countries capable of going 60+ at this point? Maybe Chunsong?
I didn't hear the bead comment (I watched the routines on YouTube). However, I design jewelry for a hobby, and there are some beads that might motivate me to work out more! ;) I doubt she's talking basic plastic beads. There's really money (and art) in some of those beads!! Just an observation ...
US judges are very kind to Aly. Her legs are atrocious on her BHS and her vault is really tucked in post flight. But clearly Marta loves her.

Aly looks in amazing shape, she clearly works very hard in the gym. But weak basics really show.
Perhaps...but it's not as if Aly's gymnastics has never been tested internationally. Her stuff held up just fine in 2012. Martha's love doesn't get you on an Olympic team...the ability to win medals on beam and floor(which she has proven internationally she can do) does.
I didn't hear the bead comment (I watched the routines on YouTube). However, I design jewelry for a hobby, and there are some beads that might motivate me to work out more! ;) I doubt she's talking basic plastic beads. There's really money (and art) in some of those beads!! Just an observation ...

She's definitely talking plastic little kid beads. They had the $5 bin of thousands of them on hand to show.
Sadly the host was holding a giant tub of cheap old plastic beads.
Yes, and when describing them said Kim needs to find a way to motivate her since she is so young. She is the same age as Laurie and the same age Kyla was in 2012. They also kept calling her "little Ragan". Them trying to play up that angle really left a bad taste in my mouth.
i think it is brutal how much criticm miss douglas is getting because of her "attitude". people, she is doing the hardest thing there - getting back to being a champion. being a champion for the first time is hard, being a champion a second time is way harder. way, way, way harder. gymnasts are often people pleasers and wanting to do well when everyone (!) holds you against an incredible high standard (let's face it, she won the olympics, there is nothing greater to do in any olmypic sport for an athlete) is hard, beyond hard.

also the focus on her facial expressions is *very* american. to my german mind she looks just like what she is - a hard working, tough athlete, focusing on the task at hand. simone's smile for example during floor always looks very fake to me, but oh well, it is part of her way of performing this incredible and totally awesome routine. so be it.

moreover: these are very young people, some are even children still. all that public criticsm is probably hurtful. we should try to give them the benefit of the doubt if in any way possible/reasonable imo.
also the focus on her facial expressions is *very* american. to my german mind she looks just like what she is - a hard working, tough athlete, focusing on the task at hand. simone's smile for example during floor always looks very fake to me, but oh well, it is part of her way of performing this incredible and totally awesome routine. so be it.

moreover: these are very young people, some are even children still. all that public criticsm is probably hurtful. we should try to give them the benefit of the doubt if in any way possible/reasonable imo.

In no way am I only looking at her faces during floor exercise. I am also looking at her face when interacting with her coaches. When she came off the podium after beam Kittia was talking to her and she literally turned and walked away. Kittia gave most of her corrections or comments to the back of Gabby's head. This is disrespectful and it's not the first time she done this on camera. She sure as heck wouldn't do it to Martha, I think her own coach should garner equal respect.
The Ragan beads thing really annoyed me because it seemed to support the thought/image that she is a a lot younger than everyone else just because she is super tiny/looks like she is younger. Just cause you are the height of the average 8 year old, doesn't mean you are - especially in this sport! I hope Kim and them aren't trying to make that be her image - it would really disappoint me cause I really hate that stuff (girls pretending to be younger than they are for attention/cute points).

And isn't Laurie only a few months older than her?

My DD hasn't been motivated by things like beads and stickers since pre team at age 5 - that's got to be a made up story about the beads cause I can't image any gymnast over age 7/8 caring about that stuff (and 7/8 is pushing it) - and certainly not an elite.

A 15 year old is w/in months of being able to drive a car on the highway - beads for stuck landings? Seriously?
Yes, Ragan is 2 months younger than Laurie and she is 2 months older than Kyla was in 2012.
Also annoyed by them seemingly playing up Ragan as younger than she is. She is small, sure. Some of the Chinese gymnasts are equally very petite and slender but still portray themselves (through choreography and narrative) as young women, not little girls.

The Adams Family floor music and 'cutesy' moves they have choreographed for her on floor (and a couple on beam) drove my daughter and I batty. We kept yelling at the screen, "SHE IS NOT 6 YEARS OLD". Ugh. Creepy.

I do think her general performance quality is not as mature than other young seniors like (obviously) Laurie, but that shouldn't mean she is resigned to the kiddie treatment. So coaches of Ragan, please please please package this talented gymnast as a teen, not a tot! o_O

For Gabby.. also agree something in her attitude seemed 'off'' yesterday. She really just seemed to be 'going through the motions' on floor, more so than usual this season. It felt so flat for a routine that is choreographed to be fun/spunky. The floor routine is the opportunity for gymnasts to bring more of their personality and unique artistry. Perhaps the style of routine is just a mismatch for Gabby who is being forced into a "personality package" that is not really reflective of her authentic self. Perhaps she would be better served with more serious, classical, or bold style of music and choreography that doesn't scream "fun fun dancy dance big smiles".

Anyway, respect and love to Ragan, Gabby and all these marvelous athletes :):):)
Perler heads are not regular beads. They're these plastic hollow cylinders that you put onto this sort of plate with short little pegs and make designs, and then you iron them, the beads melt and stick together, and you have your design. I'm sure I'm not explaining it well, but my kids loved them at 5. It was great for fine motor development.

They're also really cheap. And nothing special. I can't imagine that any 15 year old, no matter how immature, would be motivated by them. I was really embarrassed for her by this commentary about the beads, particularly the part about she gets them taken away if she pouts or cries or is a bad teammate. Honestly, it sounds like something you might say about 6 year old.

I was actually wondering whether it was a joke and someone took is seriously.
I agree - she looked like she wanted to kill someone last night - like she was really angry and didn't want to be there. She performed pretty well in spite of it, but geesh.

Interesting. I told my husband that I thought she wasn't feeling well--perhaps feverish.
If gabby was indeed sick w/ the flu or something, I'd think her camp would have let the media know.
If gabby was indeed sick w/ the flu or something, I'd think her camp would have let the media know.
As long as they let Martha know, it would be OK. Maybe they didn't want it known beforehand... And wanted to show that she could compete well enough to place top 5 even while not feeling well. If so, that shows even more determination. Later - like after Olympic trials, if asked about it by the media, she could then explain that she was under the weather, but wanted to push on.
Could it be that Kim is the one out of touch and perhaps Ragan is going along with it to amuse her? Also, my DD's coach used to give out candy for good routines. I guess beads are healthier than candy.
Could be. During her last Nationals Chellsie Memmell admitted her dad/coach gave her stickers for sticking her landings. She was in her twenties, and totally laughed about it. This struck me as different because Andrea said it was "age appropriate" ( um, no it's not). I could see it used as a fun game in practice occasionally with the team but not at a major meet and would never ever admit it in public.

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