We have a competition this weekend

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Learning Parent GB

Proud Parent
May 21, 2013
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DD is not ready. I hope she enjoys it, but for the first time she has got upset about gymnastics. I've told her that it will be good practice, and that it will be good to look back from the next one to this one to see how far she has come, but you can see it is bothering her. I know she will be fine on the day and will enjoy it, but I can see she doesn't believe it now and I am having trouble not saying too much because me trying to convince her will only make it worse. So, all I want for Christmas / my birthday / this weekend is for her to have the nerve to do (or at least try) her round off flick and keep dancing out the other side. It's a big confidence thing, and I just want her to know that she can survive however it goes. And I'm putting money on everything clicking into place in the next couple of weeks at practice as there are so many things that are 'nearly there'. The good thing is that the girls she will be competing with are wonderful and I know they will all look after each other whether thins go well or not.
Is it her first one? I seem to remember she'll be doing level 5? You're saying exactly the right thing, that she should just use it for experience, not expect to beat girls who've been doing this since they were knee high to grasshoppers and just try and enjoy it. If she can achieve that, anything else is a bonus.

When my dd did her first competition I just prayed she wouldn't cry, throw up or hurt herself (and that I wouldn't do any of those either!).

I'm sure once she gets there she'll rise to the occasion. I've watched quite a few competitions and it's very rare you see a child really mess up, because the coaches generally wouldn't enter them if they didn't think they were ready.

Good luck to her :)
She did a level 6 one last year, but that's it. She's getting there with the level 5 stuff, but the coaches also acknowledge that she isn't ready - but that repeating level 6 would have been tedious. It's the unreliability of everything that is worrying as a parent - on a good day everything could go well - or on a bad day she could fall off the beam 3 times! I'm just trying not to say the right thing too much, because then you subconsciously reinforce the idea that it is a big deal. I'm just looking forward to filming discretely from the balcony and getting some nice performance shots :-) I won't cry unless she does...
Mine has one too - which is also being used as a trial for the county squad. I always tell her that I don't care where she comes as long as she does her best and has fun - also how you do on the day is no reflection on how good a gymnast you are - its just how you do on the day. Some days are good - some not so.

Just remember to breathe - and enjoy :rolleyes:
Thank you. And good look to little Margo.ETA - just realised that Little Margo is Pink and Fluffy - I'd matched her off with a different parent :-)
So how did pink and fluffy get on? My DD had a fun day. She did really well and faced some fears. She scored higher than we expected too. The only disaster was her handspring, but she had done a flatback for the first round of vault and that scored well. And that baby grand thing (that really is what people call it round here!) happened :)
So how did pink and fluffy get on? My DD had a fun day. She did really well and faced some fears. She scored higher than we expected too. The only disaster was her handspring, but she had done a flatback for the first round of vault and that scored well. And that baby grand thing (that really is what people call it round here!) happened :)

That's great will boost her confidence no end, amazing how they can pull it out on the day ! X
She got gold on floor, silver on beam and bronze overall. She didn't get her upstart so took a deductions on bars, but she competed her back walkover on beam and half on on vaults for the first time. Floor was a bit of a problem, her old gym coach was judging and she applied deductions thoroughly!

Still hopefully she got into squad - we will know next week I think.

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That sounds good to me. With results like that it sounds to me like she should have made it. I'm (not) loving the issue of the old coach judging. DD was scared in case she even ran into hers as it is our first comp since we moved. I'm particularly impressed with the back walkover on beam. Well done Pink and Fluffy :-)
I know she is already done, but my motto for first meets is to avoid the three T's (tinkle, tears & throw-up). If she can get through her first meet with none of those, she's doing great. :D
She was desperate for a tinkle when she was doing her bars routine. She's normally a jiggler so I'm impressed that she stood for 2 and a half minutes in pose ready to present without moving a muscle. Now, another of my daft questions. Is an upstart what the Americans call a Kip?

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