Parents Well, I'm officially a team mom

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Proud Parent
Our gym had special open gym hours yesterday sine it was a 1/2 day from school so I dropped dd1 off while running errands (we usually just do a rec class and open gym Saturdays) and when I came back the two head coaches were waiting for me and asked if she'd be interested in team.:eek: So she stayed for team practice and is back tonight. I wasn't expecting that quite yet.
Congrats to you and your DD!! I am sure you will love it and so will she. Pretty soon you will be as compulsive and poor like the rest of us! But your DD will own lots of leos I am sure.:D
Congrats to you and your DD!! I am sure you will love it and so will she. Pretty soon you will be as compulsive and poor like the rest of us! But your DD will own lots of leos I am sure.:D

LOL! Congrats for your DD making it to team. :D
How exciting for her and what a surprise. Sounds like you have a talented little girl. Now sign your life, oops I mean money, LOL, actually both, away on the dotted line... :D
Congrats to you and your DD!! I am sure you will love it and so will she. Pretty soon you will be as compulsive and poor like the rest of us! But your DD will own lots of leos I am sure.:D

Yeah, the $$$ is already freaking me out. As far as leos go, though, fortunately I sew.:) I bought this pattern: Link Removed
which looks it has a lot of potential. Should be fun.

It definitely seems like the right place for her, though. I went to pick her up today and her coach saw me and drug her out to show off her round-off back handspring and back walkover on the balance beam. Um.... yeah... I didn't know she could even do a back handspring or back walkover. How good of a mom am I? Apparently she also learned how to do a long hang pullover.... and I don't even know what that is!
That is awesome that they let you see. Kids love for us to see their new tricks. Sounds like she is really moving through the skills.

What cute patterns, wish I could sew better. Start sewing those leos and selling them. LOL. It gets pricey real fast. Shockingly pricey. I still have sticker shock. :D
Welcome aboard!! What level will dd1 be competing? Sounds like she's got a good start on quite a few skills. Don't worry about not knowing what your child is learning in the gym. Mine is 12 and I'll show up to watch part of a practice and see her working on something new-----when I ask about it, she just says, "yeah, been doing drills on it for 2 months." Ok, where was I??
So sorry you got ambushed by the coaches and pulled onto the team! LOLOLOL...seriously, CONGRATS to your DD and welcome to team momhood! First rule...get your check book ready! Hope your DD loves it as much as mine does and enjoys the extra time in the gym learning new skills.
Yikes! I've been at my sister's wedding the last 3 days. It's been crazy. I had a friend watch my older kids and I flew out. She had so much left to do... like sewing her wedding dress which I finished, like, an hour before the ceremony. Whew! Anyway, glad to be back.

Allison is practicing with the level 4s right now. She may or may not compete, since we're late in the season but the current plan is to have her ready for L5 for next year. It works out well, since L4 isn't required so it won't really matter too much either way.

I really am excited!! Fortunately, there's a couple other moms who carpool from the base or I'd be more stressed since dh is deployed. As it is, I'm pretty excited!

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