MAG What are the boys up to?

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics
Really Bad news here! My DS broke his hand yesterday during open gym on the p-bars. Fell over on his handstand and did not let go soon enough. He will be in a cast for about 6 weeks!
Oh no!!! Poor guy! Hope he heals quickly!!!
Oh, geez, so sorry to hear this! Six weeks is a long time to be in a cast! Having been there, I wish your son -- and YOU -- all strength and positive energy. Was it his dominant hand? (Hope not . . .)
So sorry that happened. He should at least be better before the meet season starts.
Hope your son heals quickly!!

My little guy got hurt the Friday before last doing the Yama****a vault. He somehow over rotated and landed on the top of his back (between shoulder blades) with his legs over his head and his chin tucked into his chest. He hasn't been able to do any routines since - it hurts to swing. He is still conditioning, stretching and doing some strength routines. It is very slowly improving. I'm not sure that he will be ready for Future Stars regionals on Oct 6th.
Man. No good injuries! D "lawnchaired" on his flyaway Friday and banged his head on his knee. They call him unicorn now. He has a goose egg right between his eyes and 2 slightly purple eyes and a purple knee (actually looks like his head won that battle! LOL!) His is more funny than anything.

Hope the boys get better quickly!
Ryan got his cast on yesterday morning and it looks like he may have it off in 4 weeks rather than 6! So that was good news!! So sorry to hear about the other injuries.

Mom2twingymnasts : Alex (my DD) did that same thing into the pit one time when learning to do a flyaway. Her chest hurt for a good 2 weeks and she couldn't even jump on the trampoline while it healed!

Skschlag: We have had a couple girls that have kneed themselves on bars and on the beam. It ususally looks much worse than it hurts! But still kindof scary!
And also Skschlag, it might have been worse if he'd caught his heels on the bar. A few girls who did that (fortunately going into the pit) had some significant fear issues with flyaways afterward.

All good thoughts to everyone to heal up completely and quickly!
He has slammed both ankles into the high bar. That was scary, but fortunately he was going into the pit. Ugh...the joys!
Ugh, Yama****a. I hate how it's still in there. Waste of time, IMO. Unfortunately, it's basically the necessary vault for L7.
OUr coach hates that Yami****a too. But I think there are options the kids can do at 7? DS says he can do about 3 other vaults, so hopefully he can learn one of them!
Yes, but they have lower same value.

Basically Yama****a or Handspring full or Yama****a 1/2 out.
This past month, my Level 5 son seems to be losing skills. First the kip, now the front handspring. Is this normal? Is it getting used to being in school again and practicing a lot more hours than last school year? Or is it just something that happens?

I am very thankful that competition season doesn't start till December. I can't imagine having the girls compulsory season!
I think it does happen! I know my son seems to get something, then it disappears or becomes difficult for a while, then it comes back. It could be the stress of school, or maybe he is learning other things, or it could be just a boy thing! I know my son just seems to have weeks where nothing is clicking, and weeks where everything is going great!

I agree about the seasons!! Our first meet is in November, but it is Judge's cup and more for the judges than the gymnasts. We don't have any meets after that until January!!
Hi there! I haven't been on for a while. We're in the process of selling a house and buying a different one so I've barely had time to do much else lately. Anyway, my ds is doing level 6 again this year, and they are doing pretty much the same number of meets as last year-7 including state and regionals. Level 6 is keeping him pretty challenged with the new skills on p-bars and new floor routine. He thinks the pommel is boring now but at least he'll be really good at that. His floor has gotten a lot better this summer, thank goodness. Almost all of his team mates moved up to level 7, but he's fine with that because he knows what he is and is not ready for. At least our 6's and 7's will be doing the same meets so that I can still sit with my good friends to watch them all:).
We will see you!!! What meets are you guys doing? D has 7 including states and regionals too and is most likely doing 6, although could move to 7 mid year if he improves on a couple of events ;) how exciting!!

Oh..and congrats on the new house :) I was wondering where you had been!!

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