What are you scariest falls ???

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My worst fall was on beam: I was doing cat leap, my first foot slipped so I actually ended up both splitting the beam and rotating around off the beam. It was literally one of the those moments where you say "One minute I was on the beam, next thing I knew I was on the floor". My class mates were ":eek: are you ok?!" I was pretty shook up, but I sat out for a minute or two and got right back on.

My other big fall was when I first started out, and caused a big mental block on vault after that: we used a mini tramp as well as a spring-board, and my foot caught the bottom of the mini tramp, causing me to fall flat onto it. I was scared stiff to try vault for a long time after that.

Haha, I've done that before, I was doing a cat leap on the beam and my foot slipped and I straddled the beam then fell off onto the ground. Surprisingly it didn't really hurt but I just got straight back up and did another one.

I think my most funniest fall was (I've had soo many!) when I first started gymnastics and I was learning toeshoots off the low bar but I wasn't really strong enough to do them yet. So I casted and tried to get my feet on the bar, but I got my knees on the bar instead and fell forward over the bar onto my face! And it was on evaluation day too and I scared the coach and everyone else was laughing!

I think the next funniest fall was when I was doing a squat on and fell then I stepped up onto the bar but my front foot slipped and fell backwards in stride circle position and then fell on my back. I made the coach laugh.

And then the next funniest fall was when I first got grips and I was swinging back on the high bar trying to wear them in and I slipped off the bar and nearly hit the low bar. I was in a pair with another girl and we both started cracking up laughing after our initial shock.

Yeah I got go on forever but I'll just keep it at that...
This one isn't alllllll that scary but quite hilarious :)

I was doing a gainer off the side of the beam, traveled really far & hit the wall! They had just put new drywall or whatever on so it was still slightly soft, so now there's a me-doing-a-gainer-shaped dent in our wall. :P

I also was doing a straddle back on bars but didn't straddle. I landed standing up on the low bar, bounced way up, did 3 twists whilst I was in the air & landed on my bum on the floor! My coach almost passed out from laughing!
I have 1 funny and 3 scary... funny one first.

I was bouncing down the trampoline... let's say... a little over a year ago. At that point in my life, I was scared to death of front tucks, even though we were doing them onto a big fat squishy mat. I was still terrified. And the coach was yelling at me, because everybody else in my class was doing them fine and I had been in this pre-team class for a few months so I shouldn't be scared, and there's a big fat mat I'll land on so I won't get hurt... and then I went to do it (although I knew it wouldn't be a real front tuck, just a dive roll onto the mat without hands xD) and I bounced right into the little hole at the end of the trampoline, right before the mat. I grabbed onto a wedge mat that we were using to help us jump higher and it just fell on top of me. I few seconds later I popped my head up and said, "I'm okay!" and everybody started laughing, even the coach.

Now this is the first scary fall. We were practicing mounting the beam in a different way, by using a springboard instead of front support, swing your leg over, etc. So we were supposed to run towards the end of the beam, jump onto the springboard, and one of the coaches- my favorite coach at that time- would spot you as you jumped onto the end. (It wasn't a high beam, it was only like 2 feet off the ground.) I was almost doing them by myself when I landed too close to the edge and began to FALL BACKWARDS. Luckily the coach caught me, but if she hadn't I would've been in the hospital, with my head crashing onto the springboard like that.

This is the second scary fall... I was doing a cartwheel on the high beam... and I thought I landed it, but really only my TOE was on the beam, so I shifted my weight to the foot I THOUGHT was on the beam... and I fell *SPLAT* onto my back on the not-so-squishy mat. All the coaches were terrified but I was laughing like crazy!!! xD

And now, the third scary fall. I was being spotted on a level 5 dismount. (Those freak me out. 0.o) And, well, I confused it with a cartwheel... so I didn't hit the handstand and twist, but instead continued to move sideways, like a cartwheel, and THEN I twisted... the coach nearly screamed as I fell but I managed to catch myself, and in less than I second I realized I was hanging upside-down, one leg on the beam, supporting me. Believe it or not, the previous story and this story happened within 10 minutes of each other. xD
okay, so i am a VERY clumsy person! and i fall down a LOT! a while ago i was vaulting doing front handsprings and having a funny day. when i went to flip over i went kind of head first and managed to flip over land on my face and throw my COACH on the floor too!!!!!!!! the worst part was i freaked out my coach and then couldn't stop laughing which freaked her out because she thought i was crying!
i've fallen off bars a lot recently

1) i was doing squat ons and i somehow landed on my knees instead of my feet and i rolled right round the bar and landed on my back

2) whilst swinging on the high bar i let go at the back of my swing and flew under the low bar on my tummy, taking the mat with me and knocking over several other girls :S woops!

3) i was doing cast 3/4 giant on the high bar and as i was swinging down after the cast i slipped off and landed in the pit. the bar made a LOT of noise and just as i fell, the music from the comp girls floor routines stopped so the gym was completely silent and all you could hear was the bar twanging :S
well im really clumsy so i fall alot
my funniest fall was when i was about 5 and i was doing forward rolls on the beam and somehow i ended up hang like a sloth upside down under the beam and then i somehow swung my self back on top of the beam and then i burst out laughing and fell off.

a scary fall was when i was on beam when i was 12 and it was my second day back after i injured my back and so i went to do a full turn and my foot sliped and i fell back words unto my back and then i bounced off the beam and then ended up stradling it.then i twisted and my foot caught it so i fliped over and tried to catch myself and landed on my arm and my shoulder popped out but i bounced when i landed so i landed just right that i relocated it. i just kinda laid on the mat for awhile since practice was almost over

another scary fall was on vault when i was 12 and this was about a month since the beam incident and i was doing fronthandsprings but i landed on the side of the mat instead of in the middle and i fell backwards and landed on my back on the cement and slid almost half way down the runway. i burst out laughing because amazingly i didnt get hurt. so in a way it was more fun than scary

the last scary fall was when i was 14 and it was at a meet so i had alot of witnesses,but i was on beam and i went to do my last move before my dismount which was a tuck full but i landed on the beam with the side of my foot and so i started falling and i tried to land on my feet but my ankle rolled under me so all my weight was on it and i felt a pop but i had so much adrenaline going that i didnt feel pain so i thought i was fine. i got back on the beam and as soon as i put wieght on my left ankle on the beam my dad said it looked like i passed out and so i fell off the beam again and land on the same ankle again and when i hit the ground i must have woken up if i did pass out and so i got on the beam again because all i had was a dismount so i hopped for my steps into my dismount and some how landed on one foot.i walked back to my team and my coaches were like are you ok any i said yes cuz i didnt feel pain but then 5 min later my coaches come back cuz i looked like i was going to passout and was in so much pain and so my one of my teammates got me ice and she came back and said wow delayed reaction much.after the meet my dad came over and said now your not gona pass out in the car right

wow most involve beam hmmm
Almost 3 weeks ago I was doing double backs and I didn't set so I didn't now where I was so when I landed I landed short, but also in the crack between our ski floor and the mats we were supposed to land on and gave myself a bad bone bruise and sprained ankle. I don't know if this counts as a fall or being scary; the scariest thing about this is my fear of being scared to do things when my ankle heals (which it almost has by the way).

The scariest fall I can remember is when I was in 4th grade (6 years ago) I was going down a hill on my bike and I fell over the handle bars and scabbed my face, arm, and chest. :P

I'm a real positive person so most things don't get me down and I can't really think of anything I've done that is that scary, but I do trip a lot because I'm clumsy...I'm much better at tumbling straight on a beam than walking straight on the ground so that may be the issue...
This is a hard one...

When I was first learning back tucks on the tumble track, my coach was spotting me. I don't even know what I did, but I managed to mess it up so badly that I kicked my coach's glasses straight across the gym, and landed face first on his shoe. Keep in mind, my coach is 60 years old, lol.

Thankfully, I havn't had many scarry falls. One comes to mind though.
I was tumbling on the rod floor, and when I put my hands down for the round off, I realised I was way to far up on the floor(we keep a velcroed on white line on the floor, so I don't go too far.). I decided to back out of the pass, directly after the round off... bad idea. Getting 125 pounds to stop, when moving that fast, and while I was already leaned back from the end of the round off, does NOT work! I ended up landing on my upper back/neck, and bit straight through my tounge...
I tend to fall a lot on beam when I'm doing my handstand. This past Thursday, I was doing a handstand, and I kicked up too hard. Normally, when I do that, I try to turn my hand sort of like in the Level 6 dismount, except I don't turn my body, I come down like in the Level 3 dismount, if that makes sense. Well, I turned the wrong hand, my back hit the beam, My foot slid down the side, and I landed flat on my back on the other side of the beam.

Another time I've had a scary fall was during our annual gym exibition (Spelling?) I was doing a handstand on beam, and when I came down, I put one foot on, but I couldn't get the other foot on, I fell down, and my leg scraped the side of the beam. EVERYONE saw, I was embarrassed.

Another time was when I was doing a back hip circle on bars. I didn't keep my hips to the bar, and so, when I came back around, my stomach hit the bars really, really, hard. It was about 2 years or so ago.

I'm really clumsy, to say the least. LOL
I had a lot of problems on beam. My balance is kind of off because of my inner ears being underdeveloped (part of my Deafness) and that has led to lots of problems. I also get ear infections a lot and have surgeries to put tubes in them to drain all the liquid that gets built up and infected (just like what happens to little kids because their ear tubes are more flat and clog up, then when you grow up they grow too and slope more downward, mine are like a 3 year olds still!). The chalk in gym and flipping upside down makes it even worse so I had surgeries alllllll the time.

Anyway it was my senior year of high school and I was competing L 10. I took some of sophomore and junior year off for HS gym and cheer and was trying to catch up to get a college scholarship. So I was competing at Region 3 L 10 regionals, which were in my state. I'd had a bad ear infection right after state and had to have a minor surgery to put tubes in. I had a medical clear to compete but my mom and coach were a little wary. I convinced them I was fine, after all it was regionals at home for once, Colorado never has the big meets. I'd also done really well at state, I had won vault and floor and placed 3rd AA. I really wanted to qualify for nationals.

The day of the meet my friends and family were all there and I was pretty excited. I had got a 9.875 on vault and a 9.900 on floor! I was so excited. Then came beam. It's my weakest event and I was hoping for something in the 8s. My routine was pretty much a press handstand mount; flip flop stepout back layout stepout;front tuck, switch side; front aerial + split leapthen what I'd really struggled with a sheep jump. We'd put a wolf jump in but I really wanted the difficulty points. When it came to it I actually landed it, but it was really really wobbly, worse than I did in practice and at other meets. The I was ready for my dismount, which I usually did okay... roundoff + back layout 3/2 dismount. But my head was even more wobbly and I remember the room was kind of going back and forth. I think I over rotated or something, I just didn't feel myself in the air right and BAM. Landed right on my head on the end of the beam. I knocked myself out cold in front of everyone I knew and of course my entire session got delayed and I had to go to the hospital. I just had a concussion but yeah... no nationals for me that year!! And when I went to college I became an event specialist. No more beam either!
Haha, these are good :D I'll give two

I had a pretty challenging day on vault and i was doing fhs so this one was really good, I blocked really good and flew in the air and i stuck it! I walked off feeling really accomplished and as I was walking *boom* I twisted my ankle and everyone was like...so you can vault and but walk.

I was doing the level 4/5 dismount on beam from the side I don't usually go. So as I went, i was in handstand but got confused which way to turn...if you looked at me, it looked like i did a roundoff back tuck off the side of the beam if that makes sense...I fell on my back and omg did that hurt!!!!

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