What are you scariest falls ???

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Apr 15, 2008
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Hola chicas/chicos!:D
After reading the " What kind of gymnast areyou..???" thread, i realized how much we gymnasts enjoy talking about ourselves! son what better way to tell about ourselves than to talk about our scariest or most amusing falls/ blonde moments*/ mess-ups?!?!
I'm positive some of these stories would make America's Funniest Home Videos! haha i know lots of girls from my gym could make thm, so i'm sure yours could too!

One of my [many] personal experiences...
Okay so i know that all of us have fallen off high beams, and most likely low beams, but this is my beam story,
My coach decided to have us sit down [ i was shocked when those words came out of her mouth! ] so we could have a team chat. We were at bam so most of us plopped down on a low beam. During this chat, a very HOT boy walked into the lobby and of course i got distracted... ;) Anyway, then th boy walked over to the front desk, so i followed him with my head...and i leaned just a tad to far backwards and kind did a backwards roll off the beam. Needlesss to say i got the boy to look at me!! My coach thought that was punishment enough and just continued with her talk after my team stopped laughing.:D

So chicas and chicos, it's time to share your funny stories with the rest of us! Have fun sharing and reading!:)
* i apologize to all blondes, but i don't know what else to call them....
Hola chicas/chicos!:D
After reading the " What kind of gymnast areyou..???" thread, i realized how much we gymnasts enjoy talking about ourselves! son what better way to tell about ourselves than to talk about our scariest or most amusing falls/ blonde moments*/ mess-ups?!?!
I'm positive some of these stories would make America's Funniest Home Videos! haha i know lots of girls from my gym could make thm, so i'm sure yours could too!

One of my [many] personal experiences...
Okay so i know that all of us have fallen off high beams, and most likely low beams, but this is my beam story,
My coach decided to have us sit down [ i was shocked when those words came out of her mouth! ] so we could have a team chat. We were at bam so most of us plopped down on a low beam. During this chat, a very HOT boy walked into the lobby and of course i got distracted... ;) Anyway, then th boy walked over to the front desk, so i followed him with my head...and i leaned just a tad to far backwards and kind did a backwards roll off the beam. Needlesss to say i got the boy to look at me!! My coach thought that was punishment enough and just continued with her talk after my team stopped laughing.:D

So chicas and chicos, it's time to share your funny stories with the rest of us! Have fun sharing and reading!:)
* i apologize to all blondes, but i don't know what else to call them....

woah...i have had bunches:p. Once I was on beam and we were warming up. I was having a bad day and i was spacing out. We were walking backwards on releve and i walked right off the beam! Literally:eek:. At that gym there is a glass enclosed viewing area for the parents, and they ALL saw me:eek::eek:!! I was so emmbaresed{ I can't seem to spell today!:D}; but you know what I mean.
haha thats great! thanks for sharing. and i have had many of those moments as well!
Okay so i have had TONS!! haha
many times when i was tumbling, i would "freak out" in mid air and crash down on my head...but i never got hurt...lucklyy haha (:
and i have split the beam tons of times...but this one time was hilarious!! okay, so do you know the level 4/5 dismount, the side hs, turn out thing? well when i was a level 5 i split the beam on that! We were all having a side hs contest and i held it the longest and when the coach told me to come down, i was like, STUCK in a handstand, and could figure out how to come down, then i started to fall sideways and split the beam...idk if you can understand that...i couldn't figure out how to write it (:
then one time, when we were on bars, i was getting ready to do my flyaway, and as i wass swinging backwards, i peeled off the bar and and flew OVER the low bar and landing on the mat (almost the spring board) on my face!! after everyone found out that i was okay, the burst out laughing...haha.
and my friend tumbled off the floor onetime....into a walll (: hehe

i love the one about walking off the beam...that is hilariouss (:
Teehee! :p

haha very good job! *claps for you* :D
I totally get what you were saying about the beam dismount. When i was on level four, i did a handstand and got stuck, so i was trying to come down, i ended up doing a hs forward roll on the beam. Susprisingly, i actually landed on the beam and stuck it. haha my coach burst out laughing after i finished competing. Sadly, i got a deduction for that :( but the judge was actually kinda giggly! Just another one of those silly moments that make my life!:p

Oh and today at practice, i was vaulting. i was working half-on full-offs. Veryyy amusingly fun! anyway i did one and i fell down on my butt, but i thought i was still in the air, so i kept twisting[i was only like halfway when i fell] so i like twisted backwards off the 8 inch mat, and my butt hit the floor between the vaulting mats and the mats up on the wall, and then i realized what happened... i laughed so hard my head like hit the wall before i got up. Half my tem doubled over laughing! it broke the tension in the gym, cause we have states tomorrow so guess it was a good distractoin. Altough now that i think about it, my head kinda hurts....:(

i wonder why...?:confused:
My best falls tend to be in the form of "and then this happened... and then that happened..." When I have a good wipeout, I take a lot of things with me.

Therefore, my favorite story: I was working hand fronts using a mini tramp off the vault trainer (on top of panel mats to make it the right height). Unfortunately for me, I have a very low hurdle and forgot that I would have to jump up higher than I would going onto a springboard, so I didn't quite jump high enough, caught my foot on the front of the mini tramp, fell face-first onto the trainer, did a forward roll out because I had hit the trainer hard enough to knock it off its panel mats and into the pit, and landed on top of the trainer.

Best save: one time, I was doing clear hip hands on high bar, my hand peeled off as I was opening, and I cartwheeled down and stuck it.
i was literaly laughing out loud with that one gymkat, lol.
well, yestarday in practice, i did my front hand spring-front tuck on floor for the first time. And my friend ran up to me (from like, 30 feet away) to congratulate me. Then when she got up to me (and don't forget she is running at a full-on sprint) and she leaps on top of me! When she jumped on me i fell backwards and luckly landed in the pitt on a mat. Then we fell off the mat into the foam and i almost landed on her (but didn't) and we barly missed each other. both of us went in head first and our feet were all that could be seen from anyone else!! my coach and everyone was laughing. We are both okay though...well, her ear started bleeding, but oh well (:
My worst fall was on beam: I was doing cat leap, my first foot slipped so I actually ended up both splitting the beam and rotating around off the beam. It was literally one of the those moments where you say "One minute I was on the beam, next thing I knew I was on the floor". My class mates were ":eek: are you ok?!" I was pretty shook up, but I sat out for a minute or two and got right back on.

My other big fall was when I first started out, and caused a big mental block on vault after that: we used a mini tramp as well as a spring-board, and my foot caught the bottom of the mini tramp, causing me to fall flat onto it. I was scared stiff to try vault for a long time after that.
Scariest fall was when I was way younger, and I decided to pull a Karri Strugg off the high bar. Funniest one to date(since I started again), last week on beam, I was doing a turn, lost my balance, fell, got up, tried the turn, lost my balance, fell. Tried to get back up, fell trying to get ON the beam, twice. Then one time we were doing handstands against the wall, belly in, and my foot got stuck agains the wall on the way up, so I kind of fell out:D. Had to be there for that one though
Haha I forgot my coach's favorite fall of mine. When we stack mats in the pit, there's usually a gap between the 8-inchers and the side of the pit, and I tend to fall into it every time. To prevent me from getting stuck while a guest coach/judge was working with us, my main coach stuck a huge piece of thin foam (kind of like what would line the walls of a pit) under the vault mat and made kind of a platform that extended from the side of the floor (the vault landing mat) to the very edge of the stack of 8-inchers. Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, double full #1-- I landed right on the edge of the mat, fell through, and ended up with one leg on the 8-incher in a huge squat and one leg in the pit between the 8-inchers and piece of foam. I stood up, the piece of foam lifted up with me, and totally wedged my leg between the foam and the 8-inchers. I tried to move a few more times (with my HC and the guest coach/judge laughing hysterically and not helping), and because the foam would move with my leg and pin me against every surface, all that I was accomplishing was giving myself a huge scrape from my knee to my hip. Eventually, they had to tear down the vault station to free the foam to get me out. I'm still not really sure how I was so stuck on the pit side (you'd think the 8-inchers would have moved), but I guess I'm just really talented. My coaches probably just let me practice for free when I'm home for entertainment purposes.

As for scary falls, let's just say that I can most likely win on those, too. Suffice it to say that I still have bruises from splitting the beam 11 weeks ago, and that's not even getting into the head/face smashes.
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Turned out really bad

I was doing drills for overshoots (now i do a pac) and as dumb as i was i placed my arm in front to block my fall and ended up shaddering both bones in my arm and having surgery twice :( but my arm is super better but my coach made me when i got better get up and do one more so I could get over the fear of releasing the bar and now bars is my favorite event and i am starting to work on my single bar release moves now :D
Embarrassing- tripped over my own damn feet coming off bars in a meet once because I was so excited at having landed my dismount, landed on the chalk bucket and knocked the whole thing over...:o

Tripped over and fell into the judges at one as well. They were so lovely, picked me back up and everything.

Scariest: Belly flopped into the pit when the head coach was showing new parents around, all they heard was a sweary word coming from the other end of the gym. In my defence, it was scary! My foot slipped as I went to take off!
In my gym, we have a bar set and then like 10-15 feet away from the high bar on that set is a pit. I somehow managed to do giant, giant on the high bar and flyaway and land all the way in the pit... It was funny because I was expecting a hard landing on my head but then landed in the pit nice and safely.
i just remembered another one...but it was on the trampoline at my house..
okay, so i was doing front pikes and some front layout attempts, and when i landed i had a HUGE rebound...
i flew into the net and grabbed it, and i broke the net and it fell down (:
i blamed the dog though, and to this day my parents believe it was the dog...lol.
(it was about a month ago)
and this isn't really a gymnastics fall but it is hilarious...
i was being a stupid idiot and was tryinng to do a scorpion in the shower!
well, it didn't turn out so well.
my foot slipped and i fell, backwards, out of the shower onto the ground and hit my head on the floor. The funny part...when i fell, the whole shower curtian and the rod fell w/ me and landed on my head... and i was all tangled up in the curtain (:
and my mom thought that i just droped the shampo or something!
haha and this was about 2 weeks ago (:
I was on my friend's trampoline last night, and shes not a gymnast so she was amazed with anything i was doing. Well i decided to do a double front and i flipped it around and landed on my back and I decide to do another one to try and land on my feet. Well the second time I landed like on my head/neck so I didn't do anymore! haha and then we were playing scorpion on her tramp. its like when one persons it and they close their eyes and have to roll around and tag someone, well i was it and i rolled right through a hole in the net and fell off the trampoline.

One time on a straddle back I missed the bar with my hands and caught it with my necK? I don't know how that happened.
At open gym the vault is raised up higher then the rest of the gym, so I was tsuking and I kept falling off the mat onto the ground. This is like a 4 foot drop haha. I did it so many times one night my coach got all these people to stand there and catch me.
So, when in rec team a long while back, we were working on beam for the upcoming in-house meet (I was SO nervous! Little did I know that soon I would be going to lots of meets in different states!). I was standing on the high beam trying full turns. My coach told me to try and get around 1 1/4 times because I was only getting around 3/4. So I pushed off my back foot super hard and was spinning really fast, amazingly keeping my balance. I went around like 2 times and I kept spinning off the beam and onto the floor. My foot just slipped and I was still in full speed spin as I crashed down! :)
Once the meet came, I found out I was first in vault. We were doing jump-on's (set at normal, we jumped up and off without hands and without pausing--pretty easy stuff) I was nervous because I had been hitting the springboard weird recently and wasn't sure if I'd be good. The first one was perfect! The second one, I jumped on perfectly and went flailing onto the mat, landing in a total bellyflop :o So obviously I was scrambling around on the mat, slipped (the judges were like two feet away!) and finally stood up and finished. My coach was in the back of the gym with my team cracking up :D
I had a pretty scary fall. I was at a makeup practice with the all of the optionals, and I'm only a level 5, so i was kinda nervous being with the higher levels. The practice was going good......until bars, my first rotation. You see, I had State in 5 days, so I was working hard on all my skills. I was working on tap swings on this single high bar we have and on my backswing I slipped off the bar and landed on my arm, breaking it in 2 places. The first thing I said was "OH MY GOSH!!!! AM I GONNA GO TO STATE?!?!?!?!" and "Will I ever use my arm again?!?" was a close second. My brake was the S brake, so it was, well, like an S. I was soooo scared, but I didnt cry or anything, I just kept talking nervously while I waited for my mom to come get me. yeahh....I dont know if this is too long.....I know!!!! I continue this in another post!!!
Okay, so yeah thats my story!

Oh yeah, another time when we were done warming up, I was skipping across the floor to get a drink and I tripped over my own feet. ahaha
Okay another one...
we were having sock day, and i wore fuzzy socks...that were very slippery.
(p.s. we dont do this any more...to dangerous) haha
and my first slip was in warm up, when we were running around the gym.
we always play follow the leader while we are running for 15 minutes to make it fun..and when we were running under the VERY low bar...i stood up to fast and my back scraped the bar...my leotard was all bloody. And after that...this is where the socks come into play...we were running in a tight circle, and my feet slide out from under me and i when sliding across the floor, triped another girl, and got a lot of rug burn ): hehe

and my 2 friends were both running when we were playing a game...and they both collided, and one of them broke their toe and was out for a month...
yea, we don't play that game anymore either (because those same people collided again a few months later and her toe started to swell up agian)
Well last week I was doing some pretty nice cartwheels on the high beam so my coach asked me to try doing a roundoff. I was pretty scared so the first two were basically cartwheels... Then I started getting the hang of it so I tried being faster and more aggressive. But only my right foot landed and I slipped all the way down the side of the beam and landed sitting on the mat. Oops. Beam burn all the way from my knee to ear, not fun xD

Oh yeah and once I was doing front handsprings on the vault trainer, and I had just ripped so my hand was covered in tape... Well my taped hand slipped until I was on my elbow and my coach practically threw me off the vault onto the mat XD
This may have been what prompted the gym to get a new vault trainer; the old one was basically just a big slippery block.

On of the girls in my class accidentally let go of the high bar and almost did a straddle back over the low bar. This same girl also forgot the back handspring before the back tuck, and tends to make squeaky noises during skills she's afraid of xD
I had a really bad fall.. i was on the floor doing my routine and it all was going really well and i went to do a front sommersault, over rotated and went sliding across the floor on my face. I had carpet burn on my face for about a week and it really hurt!!
Also, when i was doing acrobatic gymnastics we had to do a move called pitch to catch in my womens groups and when we threw the top up and went to catch her she went straight through the middle of our catcn because she piked too much and we didnt know where she had gone and she was lying on the floor. (sorry if none of that made sense :P lol)

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